
I go to the gym since december. I started at 83,6 kg now I am at 79,4 kg. My goal is about 72 to 74 kg without losing too much muscles.

Right now I cant do a single pull up and I do a upper body lower body split.

Upper body:

  • Lat Pulldowns (cable)
  • Seated Rows (cable)
  • Australian Pull ups
  • Push Ups
  • Dead Hangs
  • Shoulder press (seated with dumbbells)
  • bicep curls standing with Dumbbells
  • Triceps cable machine

And lower body days I do

Leg press Leg extensions (machine) The other Leg machine that I pull back lol Lunges Knee raises on pull up bar

The wednesday and saturday I do inclined walking at 15% incline and 4 km/h speed for 30 minutes

My thought is losing weight, makes pull ups easier and doing some more bodyweight stuff.

Im scared I will develop disbalance somewhere, am I missing something?

  • GissaMittJobb@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    I used to try to improve my pull-ups for a long time with not particularly good results. I switched to doing chin-ups, and I’m starting to see actual improvements in lat strength now.

    Then again, I also started doing deadlifts and barbell/dumbbell rows so that might have had something to do with it as well