Went to renew my driver’s license today only to learn that I had a mental health hold put on me
Now I have to jump through a bunch of hoops to maybe be able to drive again in several weeks
So much for de-stigmatization, that’ll teach me not to tell people about my problems
I would think it would require some kind of court action.
That said, depending on the state, the DMV can and does operate independent of the courts, and doesn’t have to wait for, or even abide, court orders, being an independent agency.
It’s fucked up, I’ve been through it with a records mix up (yea, crazy this stuff does happen).
Found the law: https://casetext.com/regulation/utah-administrative-code/public-safety/title-r708-driver-license/rule-r708-7-functional-ability-in-driving-responsibilities-for-physicians-and-drivers
Apparently just having depression requires a medical review, and it seems like anyone who hasn’t been completely asymptomatic for two years needs an annual medical report