I wouldn’t even need jokers for mult so much with telescope.
Plasma deck is weird. You think chips are amazing, because 50 chips is 25 mult, but it also doubles the stake requirements. So then you hit Violet Vessel on green stake and need to scrape together 1.2M and your chips just don’t scale.
Bull is pretty good when combined with something like Rocket to boost your economy, but most chip jokers are constant or some weak scaling like Castle or Wee Joker. But even with really good mult scaling, that flat 25x25 of a foil joker is tempting…
Yeah, the trick is to find a good spot mid game to pivot into all x mult
Why doesn’t that work? I thought a good strat for plasma was to only focus on multipliers cause they get averaged. Means you don’t have to worry as much as balancing chips with mult.
I would have needed a really good scaling mult joker to make it to the point where stencil gives me enough for purple stake plasma’s scaling. Other decks would have been able to wait for one but I couldn’t keep up.
Ah, perishables, enjoy it while it lasts :)