Or slime molds which are, in fact, an ameoba.
Or slime molds which are, in fact, an ameoba.
Most molds are about as closely related to mushrooms as flatworms are to humans
They also depict a mushroom that only grows in Japan growing in China but the show is pretty anachronistic overall.
Someone had to eventually to tell them they need to stop pretending they aren’t dating and “he’s a coward and you’re a child” was an amazingly blunt way to do it. What a good big sis.
works the same for all mushrooms as far as I’m aware
Only mushrooms which grow on grains (in grass), mushrooms that naturally grow on wood like oysters need different substrate.
I would encourage you not to grow Agaricus Bisporus in your garden outdoors if it’s not native to wherever you happen to live. Mushrooms can’t really be contained as easily as plants so it could become invasive very easily. Or it will just die if your climate is too far off from what it’s used to.
If you’re looking for an easy way to get started with mushroom cultivation, you might want to try one of those oyster mushroom kits you can find online. Just follow the directions and grow the initial crop of oysters, then if you’re so inclined, you can use the block of mycelium from the kit to start again. To reuse the kit you need a plastic turkey bag, alfalfa pellets (rabbit/guinea pig food from a pet store), and Timothy hay or newspaper pellets (both used as rabbit/guinea pig bedding so same aisle as the alfalfa).
Sterilize the turkey bag and boil the mix of alfalfa/hay/paper (the substrate). When the substrate cools layer chunks of mycelium from the kit with layers of wet substrate and pack it down tight so there’s no air in between.
Leave the bag in a warm dark place until the mycelium covers the substrate (a couple weeks or so, check about once per week). Then bring it out and cut holes in the bag and put it in a tub or box. From there it should be the same procedure as the kit, mist it a couple times per day and fan it to get some fresh oxygen in there.
You can keep repeating this process to get more oysters. If you want an oyster log, you can stick piece of a dowel in your substrate (sterilized of course) and wait for the the mycelium to grow on to it. Drill a hole in your log and stuff the dowel in, with any luck the oysters will take over the log and you’ll keep getting oysters until they eat the whole log.
I felt so bad for her in that scene, when the emperor starts making fun of you there’s no choice but to sit there and take it.
Leolines on Etsy has a bunch of different swimsuit styles for transfemmes. It’s a bit pricey but they make quality stuff.
“Farinaceous” is the term used in mycology for mushrooms that have a grain-like smell/taste.
I doubt it will be temporary, all news is going to be increasingly political for the foreseeable future.
I knew the admins were eventually planning on doing this but I didn’t realize it had already started and that it affected apps. Unfortunately it’s fundamentally at odds with the way I want to use Lemmy.
I should move instances, I use All to read news, my subscribed feed is all more positive stuff so I don’t doomscroll.
Cha Hae-in’s deal continues to be mysterious considering how little she’s done with all the screentime she gets (besides provide cringy fanservice). I was initially thinking she might be another Player but her dislike of the smell of hunters raises the possibility that she’s either a magical beast herself (perhaps summoned by some hunter’s skill) or has some class that uses monster abilities like a blue mage or something.
You can answer honestly but it’s a greeting, not an invitation to take over the whole conversation to talk about yourself.
Them: “How are you doing”
You: “Pretty bad to be honest, but I’m hanging in there”
And from there you either get:
Them: “I’m sorry to hear that I hope it gets better”
You: “Thanks”
Them: “So I wanted to ask about your TPS reports…”
Or :
Them: “Oh no, what’s going on?”
You: “Well I’m having a lot of mental health issues…”
It protects them from losing revenue because someone might change the channel if an episode reminds them about a tragedy they were trying not to think about. It’s not like they’re banning the episodes, they’re just changing their schedule for the next few weeks.
No one on Lemmy watches broadcast TV anyway so why care?
If you’re considering buying keys from shady resellers just pirate the game instead. A lot of those keys are bought using stolen CC info and end up getting charged back which leaves the devs having to pay processing fees.
Also Humble is a retailer not a reselller, they get their keys directly from the publishers or developers of the game, they don’t resell keys they bought from someone else.
I’ve been too lazy because of school and my life.
You’re not “lazy”, you’re overwhelmed by your other priorities. There’s nothing wrong with needing to prioritize other things in your life. Maintaining a project like this is no small task and you should be proud of all the work you’ve done.
It sounds like you’re at a point where you’re improving a lot as a developer and starting to become dissatisfied with your older code. Every developer goes through this from time to time, it’s important that you focus on how much you’ve grown instead of tearing yourself down for not being “better” in the past. The only way to learn and improve is to try things and make mistakes. There’s no reason to view these past mistakes as some kind of shame, they’re just the steps that got you from where you were then to where you at now.
It seemed to me that all the S-classes had the ability to sense magical power.
Are Anime Husbandos the secret to fixing male immortal loneliness?
I think I love this show.
The Empress Dowager is certainly holding on to some extremely complicated feelings she can’t even tell anyone about. What a morally challenging character, I think I’m gonna have to chew on this one for a while.