Look our politicians may refer to themselves as nazis on porn forums,
we may use nazi symbology at our national conference,
our campaign rhetoric may mirror nazi rhetoric exactly,
our leader may have publicly praised hitler,
our policies may be carbon copies of nazi policies,
we may count literal nazis as some of our most fervent supporters,
our leader may have praised a public nazi march,
our leader may have hosted and praised literal nazis at his estate,
our leader may curry favor among socialite nazi sympathizers in charge of large swaths of american media,
and we may perform nazi salutes at our leaders inauguration,
but… we are NOT NAZIS 😤 😭 🤡
They are fascists. They are not nazis. Nazis ate WWII era German fascists that attempted to create the ubermensch and create a 1000 year reich.
Nazis are a different flavor of fascism
I agree that they are facists but they seem to have an incredible focus on Hitler and Nazism imported from Nazi Germany.
Which is common among fascists but if they aren’t looking for the 1000 year reich, the genocide of the underclass, and the creation of the master race they are not Nazis.
I’m not seeing any evidence that they don’t want these things.
Then you should read project 2025. It is much more in line with Italian fascism.
Y’all are down voting this but it’s correct. What we have is Sparkling Fascism.
Dumbasses can’t pronounce fascism though, so most people stick to calling them Nazis. Not the best shorthand but it is what it is.
Ah yes of course it’s because we can’t spell the word, not because of the rhetoric directly borrowed from Nazis.
Pretty clear to me that they do want this in a way. Leaving the poor to die and suffer strikes me as very “genocide of the underclass”
If they aren’t Nazis, why are they running the same playbook Nazis did at the beginning and PERFORMING NAZI SALUTES WITH THE PRESIDENTIAL SEAL IN FRONT OF THEM AT PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATIONS?
If they don’t want to be Nazis, just regular fascists, maybe they shouldn’t use Nazi salutes.
They aren’t mimicking Nazis, they are mimicking the Italian and Spanish fascists.
I’m going to be clear here. No one cares that you know some historical detail that, in the end, is irrelevant.
Due to historical events within living memory Americans view Naziism and Fascism interchangeably. So a sieg heil is a Nazi thing to Americans. So when we see someone performing a sieg heil, they are associated with Nazis.
No one cares if someone technically did the action with their arm before Nazis. No one cares if the Swastika was technically used by various religions and cultures before the Nazis co-opted it. That’s not what it means to contemporary Americans.
This isn’t a historical detail. This is philosophy.
Americans use liberal incorrectly and as a result most have no clue what the philosophy that defined the nation until a few were s ago actually is.
There are consequences to not understanding what these things mean and right now America is dealing with the consequences of people who have no idea what fascism is. This is due to that ignorance you are celebrating.
It does not matter what contemporary Ameticans think. They are a minority of English speakers.
What is the consequence if people associate them more with Nazi Germany than Italian Facism?
Fascism is like cancer of humanity, it has been on remission for a while and now its starting to come back possibly even worse because it couldn’t be eradicated when weakened.
It always holds appeal for some especially people born into wealth that are personally insecure. I suspect that’s why American schools dont really teach kids about the fundamentals of fascist philosophy.
They don’t teach them this because it would lead them to believe we have been a fascist country since the creation of the military industrial complex. That is not exactly what we want our students learning.
Much like we whitewash all of history to make ourselves out to be the good guys and not the genocidal death cult maniacs we are.
It is not like we have not been warned for several decades now what has been happening.
The Military Industrial Congressional complex (Congress was removed from the speech before Ike gave it) was created after fascism was defeated in Europe. I would suggest we had people attempting to instill it since the 1900s but they only just got through.
Indeed there have been instances of business trying to do this decades before his speech.
As I alluded to we have always been flirting or in recent times outright embracing fascism.
When you realize we were a country founded by the wealthy for the wealthy you begin to understand why we have these issues.
Fate and direction of humanity might depend on how well americans resist now. america has way too much military power and nukes.
Who cares? They are Nazis as far as idiot Americans are concerned. The asterix you seem to feel is necessary is not.
Because you come across as poorly educated when you make claims that are easily disproven.
No, there are more than one type of fascist.
Do they have a specific salute to indicate what kind they are?
They all do the fascist salute. The Nazis took it from the Italian fascists. If the fascist isn’t German, trying to create a master race (the nazis were not the master race they were supposed to create it), or attempting to institute a 1000 year reich then they are not Nazis.
Most fascists are not Nazis, that doesn’t make them better.
Fascist/Nazi are interchangeable in American culture.
You’re wasting your time arguing this pointless detail.
Cool, Americans don’t get their own definitions for philosophies. It’s frustrating how willing people are to defend this idea that they should.
Why would it matter if we got our own definition? The original Nazis are within living memory. Their symbols are within living memory. So when someone performs those symbols while advocating for many of the same tenets of that ideology, we just call it by the same name.
we already do that with “Liberal” and it makes it hard to have an informed conversation with other non-American English speakers.
Another reason is because fascists who are not Nazis can highlight the differences between them and the big bad Nazis. This causes people to forgive and underestimate fascism. The USA just installed a fascist administration which I believe is partly due to the fact that too many already identify fascism as only being Nazis when the Spanish fascists weren’t much better but were more successful because it wasn’t as obvious.
We don’t need to encourage more ignorance.
Elon and Trump (nee Drumpf) are both very direct German descendants.
Elon wants to repopulate a planet with his DNA specifically. Trump wants to fuck his own blonde, white, daughter.
If it talks like a fascist, is German, and wants its DNA spread around, and then does a Nazi salute, I think it’s time to call a spade a spade, or more accurately, a Nazi.
You’re stretching quite hard. Neither man is German. They are fascists not Nazis. We don’t need to be ignorant as to which flavor of fascism we are facing
Right, I get what you’re saying. But words and affiliations change over time and can get appropriated by other parties. Neonazis for example. They’re all fascists and I’m positive Elon Musk emulated Hitler, for whatever reason.
All Nazis are fascists but not all fascists are nazis much like communists are leftists but not all leftists are communists.