@nostupidquestions How do I import Tubular data and subscriptions into Newpipe?
Newpipe seems to update faster than Tubular and I wanna fix playback when Youtube breaks as soon as possible.
it’s a newpipe fork, right?
in newpipe settings under backup and recovery, i’m able to export and import my subsriptions etc.
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I’m on PipePipe has it also has sponsor block like tubular. U gotta get it via obtanium as the fdroid build is outdated.
Regardless in tubular go to: Settings > backup > export database Then save that file somewhere
Then on NewPipe or PipePipe go to: Setting > backup > import database Then select the file u saved earlyer.
+1 for PipePipe if you want quick updates + SponsorBlock. I switched from Tubular a few days ago, and it imported my Tubular export flawlessly.
You don’t necessarily need to use Obtanium though, the version on F-Droid has a built-in updater. But unfortunately the built-in updater isn’t automatic (just a pop up notification that takes you to the .apk download page), so I can see the convenience of Obtainium.
Funny that I switched a couple days ago when tubular broke as well. Can recommend obtainium as well.
@muntedcrocodile does obtanium auto update like f-droid basic? I’ve never seen it notify an auto update.
I’ve turned it off in my obtainium settings (I don’t like the idea someone can publish some code and my device with auto run it) but I assume it works if u don’t disable it.