• logging_strict
    1 month ago

    The headline is misleading. The article is written for those supporting py37 or py38. These are both no longer supported.

    The section on uv i was interested in reading, but it’s just fluff followed by a link.

    The section on Pydantic should compare against dataclasses and attrs. All of which are capable of data validation. dataclasses is built-in.

    The section on ruff did not compare against flake8+black+isort.

    The section on typing-extensions, i have questions. When not to use typing-extensions. I look at the typing features being used and then create a nudge pin like,

    typing-extension; python_version<="3.11"


    typing-extension>=4.12.2; python_version<="3.11"

    The nudge pins are placed into a pins-typing.in file. And included by another .in file with a line -c pins-typing.in