• AugustWest@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Also, for those leaking info, please do better than the OOP of the screen shot contained in this post. Not saying this is particularly sensitive and I don’t even know if their intent was to remain anonymous. But just a reminder to think about the little things like the “You forwarded this message at 11:17” because if anyone cares, they could easily find out who forwarded that email at that time. I would guess that most government entities could pretty easily come up with justification to fire anyone based on the public dissemination of intergovernmental emails, regardless of whether the contents were specifically noted as sensitive.

    I only felt compelled to comment this because this is the second post I have seen in the last day or so with an identifying feature like that. There are a lot of government employees who probably can’t stomach working under this administration, and I get it. But there is an argument to make that those of you who oppose the administrations stances can do more good from within, or at least do your best to minimize the harm that would be caused by the bootlicking henchmen you will be replaced with.