>>> from kenobi import KenobiDB
>>> db = KenobiDB('example.db')
>>> db.insert({'name': 'Yoda', 'lightsaber': 'green'})
>>> db.search('lightsaber', 'green')
[{'name': 'Yoda', 'lightsaber': 'green'}]
>>> from kenobi import KenobiDB
>>> db = KenobiDB('example.db')
>>> db.insert({'name': 'Yoda', 'lightsaber': 'green'})
>>> db.search('lightsaber', 'green')
[{'name': 'Yoda', 'lightsaber': 'green'}]
Oh! How embarrassing. Gonna pretend i understand the joke and hope no one notices.
Not familiar enough with MongoDB, besides it’s not exactly open source
All you need to understand about MongoDB is that it is webscale, because it doesn’t do joins and it has the most kick-ass benchmarks. And sharding.