I’ve done enough. Who’s saying I haven’t?
Can confirm. This person has done enough.
Source: Only they can define how much is “enough”
Figure out what you want to do, and make a plan to do it. Obviously some stuff is more achievable than others, but there are surely some things that you can do.
I’ve tried to do things I enjoy but it seems like most people hate what I try and do, had it today that i’ve spend over a week working on something making it work and things and then no everyone hates it and not only hates it but is going at me because of it, just doesn’t seem worth having passions anymore,
Did it make you happy?
Can I ask what you worked on that made so many people upset?
I’ve been working on a website to help users find instances, users and software easier but added in support for reports of super bad actors and ended up getting a lot of hate for the whole project idea, it’s called Fedicate if you wanted to check it out
Basing your happiness on the reactions of others is the base issue here. If you enjoyed doing or making it, that should be enough.
As your attorney, I advise you to buy a motorcycle.
Yes, already there. Currently she doesn’t run and need to get my CBT so I can legally ride her.
Change your world not others. Ask yourself why is your happiness based on feedback from what others think of what you do? It’s terse, but “fuck ’em”. Did you do something to better the world, your life, the life of a random passing bug? If so, that’s a net gain in the world. Take the small wins.
Be moral. Be good. Find what makes you happy no matter what the rest of the world thinks.
Find peace and/in contentment. Realize that happy can be a euphoric high that’s not a constant, but a momentary state.
Done that, can be helpful but gets pricey when you don’t have much money.
I figure every day I’m high on the couch, I’m not out doing anything that costs money. I at least break even, I’m sure.
Strangely enough, once I started giving drawing classes to kids last year as a volunteer, I no longer felt like my life had been pointless. It felt like I finally did something that would mean something. I was invited to give 1 or 2 classes only, as a test to see if I’d like it. Turns out I did like it way more than I could’ve imagined, as a I never fancied myself as a teacher. Apparently, the kids loved it, too. Not needing to fill out forms, reports and whatever bureaucracy teachers have to deal with also helps me look forward to this year’s classes.
So, my take is that you should definitely try something different in your life, preferably something that puts you in face-to-face contact with other people
This is really positive thank you, glad you found that something. I will look what can make me happy, face-to-face stuff can be strange at times due to my autism but I will defo look into what else I can do that could help people.
Everyone needs challenging but achievable goals.
What do you mean by not having done enough with your life?
Do you mean that you have been a burden to others more than you gave back? Then its simple, try to do something that gives back. Do voluntary work at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter or something like that.
Do you mean you havent achieved something awesome that people will talk about for generations? Then you should accept that you probably wont. Most people live an “ordinary” life without major accomplishments.
Do you feel like your current life has no real meaning? Just living day by day, not much enjoyment? Try to change it, bit by bit. Make friends that you can enjoy time with. Find new hobbies. Maybe change jobs.
If you have the time to stress over such a meaningless feeling then you prolly aren’t doing either enough in life or if you are, you prolly need to seek out a shrink to make sure you are neurochemically balanced.
The entire purpose of life is to make your own meaning out of life. Life is what you make it, kinda like the old waterboy quote, “I like to see homos naked”