PIC s3e9 “Vōx”
Accidentally installed a
MoclanKlingon holodeck porn virus that they couldn’t fully purge, and they had to write the whole ship off as a loss.I’d forgotten that scene for probably several good reasons, ya know.
I still love that the actual event is a Most Dangerous Game style death-hunt in the woods when it’s Bortus and Clyden.
There was a tribble in the warp core, so he ejected it.
Invited Alexander over to an event, then regretted it THAT much (he had to make a plausible excuse somehow!:-P).
The boy will be fine. Surely, it won’t turn him into some kind of villain later on.
He’s completely normal in the IDW comics. 😉
He wound up in basically exactly the Kobayashi Maru scenario, and they give him an especially hard time for it, since he’s a Klingon. “I would have thought if anyone could beat it, it would have been you, Mr. Worf.”
He insists it’s not his fault, because Star Fleet training says he should accept the no-win scenario
Lost it at at poker against Ferengis. To his defence, they did cheat…
What? He looks trustworthy… ish.
I mean, he did pretend to be a stereotype of his species as a favor to a friend, so….
Hey look, a Bolian.
He allowed Beverly to take the helm.
She is known to be a little wild on the stick.
She does love to ghost ride that whip.
“Why won’t this flush!!!”
He stuck a bat’leth in the reactor core trying to restart it after the Battle near Gamma Serpentis. It didn’t go well.
Some guys peed on his rug, but they were actually looking for some other Klingon also named Worf. So through a convoluted series of mishaps, some nihilists ended up destroying it.
On the plus side, he happened to have $1000 of latinum on him, at an opportune time.
His con officer didn’t have a positronic brain to pass messages from one time loop to the next.
But how did Worf get out of the time loop?
By winning champion standing in a break dance competition.
Regarding the title, what types of filters, effects, etc. do you use to brighten these dark TV/movie screenshots?
Just using the provided Android Gallery tools.
I don’t believe you. I can actually discern persons from PIC, you must have applied some sort of atomic flash or supernova at point blank range.
Some unstable trilithium, a stray sun, and a scientist escorted by his “droogs” may or may not have been involved. All I’m sayin’.
I assume that means you use a filter or something literally called “brightness”. If your app offers an option called “exposure”, try that instead. I tend to get more desirable results using that for brightening photos.
Unlike brightness, exposure is highly biased towards the highlights in the picture. In layman language, it will act as if increasing the amount of light in the picture, without much affecting the darker areas in the picture.
There’s sliders for both, plus some presets in another sub-menu. It’s reasonably comprehensive, except for sometime last year when they “updated” (read enshittified) the app by letting A.I. decide what element of an image it assumes I want to make into a sticker. Instead, now I have to crop out an object, go to a separate app (sketchbook), layer stuff, save that, then go back to gallery for any simple text or resizing. Really slowed down my posting reaction time.
Two words: Klingon chili.
This is how I like to think it happened
I’m not good with the gif editing, so pretend this has Worf’s head instead of Homer’s
He thought ramming speed would work on that asteroid.
Ramming Speed.