Title… Don’t really expect you to respond just putting it out there for you to think about.
I learned this Russian term “vranyo” today for institutionalized lies that we all know are lies but we pretend to believe them.
Anyway, here’s wonder wall (and fascism).
It’s not so bad comrade. I just wish they didn’t have the rule that you have to end every sentence with the word comrade, comrade.
There’s no such rule that we acknowledge, comrade!
Question is nonsense. I am simply hard working woman of color who believes in the American dream and of not degenerate my childrens with the vaccines. Great president trump is very smart and will be victorious over Ukraine.
Also I am trans and our system of elections is very corrupted such as should not be ever to voting.
It’s great, comrade
As if we would fall for something a current agent would post to find traitors.
Aha! Found one! But damn, you’re censored…
I’m Robert Hanssen, and I approve this message
Could be worse.I mean, I am interested in hearing what they say too…