You wanna claim it’s literally 1984 for being called out like a Republican does?
Calling a trans person transphobic for disliking an instance’s policies, in a thread where others are throwing around the same accusations and adding ones like “fascist” and hounding them over daring to go against Team Blahaj?
I wanna claim it’s literally Tumblr-Livejournal level bullshit.
Not a good luck for you.
“Oh boy, it sure is great that we’re driving trans folk off the Fediverse for not believing in Possum-People!”
I’m not trans, the OP in that thread was trans. Not that that matters, apparently, since they were engaged in Wrongthink.
You wanna claim it’s literally 1984 for being called out like a Republican does? Not a good luck for you.
What’s next, “it’s just words! Thought police are after me! I’m getting cancelled!”
Calling a trans person transphobic for disliking an instance’s policies, in a thread where others are throwing around the same accusations and adding ones like “fascist” and hounding them over daring to go against Team Blahaj?
I wanna claim it’s literally Tumblr-Livejournal level bullshit.
“Oh boy, it sure is great that we’re driving trans folk off the Fediverse for not believing in Possum-People!”
What a fucking crime that would be, right.