FP is a big umbrella with a lot of interesting work happening. Let’s help one-another stay up-to-date by sharing links of some of our favorite FP and FP-adjacent talks.

  • @cercerillaOPM
    41 year ago

    Another classic FP talk is Rich Hickey’s Simple Made Easy. I think he does a great job of talking about the differences between things that are simple, and things that are merely easy.

  • JackbyDev
    21 year ago

    I thought this talk focused on history a little too long but really enjoyed it. I’ve toyed with the idea of making a language (probably never will) and it really made me reconsider what I consider important in a language. “Stop writing dead programs.” The parts I remember sticking out were calling a lot of things cargo cult mentality that I had never viewed as that before. I don’t necessarily agree with everything but it was a fresh and well organized perspective.


  • @cercerillaOPM
    11 year ago

    There are quite a few variations of this talk, but I really enjoy Conal Elliott’s talks about compiling with categories here’s he’s 2020 Haskell.love conference talk. I always appreciated the way his work helps me structure my thoughts about evaluation of functional expressions.