Twitter, Reddit and Discord are simultaneously going to shit - because enshittification is what happens when suddenly money isn’t free any more and borrowing carries an interest rate

The fediverse is not very well connected suburbs, good for what it is but doesn’t do the same job

bsky is gonna do its own fediverse (with beer and shitcoins) and it’s fun right now as a single instance with good users, but the staff are the sort of barely-crypto-reactionary free speech warriors who will never block the nazi instances

[youth pastor voice] you know, there’s someone else who talked about the tendency of the rate of profit to fall

EDIT: to clarify: Discord is ticking along for now, but they hired some ex-Facebook execs, employees are in revolt and the org is hollowing out. hence (a) bad decisions (b) glitching

  • Zamboniman
    121 year ago

    I was a wee bit surprised (but not really, I guess) when just before the Reddit blackout everyone on Reddit was spamming their relevant Discord links for the relevant subreddit.

    I could only think, “That’s no better!!”

    We’ll see if that changes.

    To add to that, Discord is an entirely different kind of interaction. Fine if that’s what you want, but not fine if you want something a bit more…static.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      Discord is flat out garbage as a forum. Once you pass say even 15 people, it becomes a total mess of posts burying other posts, you can never find anything. I have no idea why everyone wants to use it for something it was never meant to be.

      • Zamboniman
        51 year ago

        Yup, I agree wholeheartedly! It’s just not my thing.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          I use it for gaming with friend groups, but would gladly get off it if my friends would too. Sadly that is a near impossibility. lol

          • Zamboniman
            41 year ago

            Yeah, for certain kinds of live conversations while involved in a group activity, it works fine. But only for that, in my opinion.

      • 🐝bownage [they/he]
        21 year ago

        I’m glad someone else is saying it too because my lord I cannot for the life of me understand why people are so persistent on promoting discord as a social media platform

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Seems like a kids thing really. I agree it is stupid and going form one corporate owned entity to another is no better. I think FOSS community run solutions while rough around the edges will have the last laugh if they can sustain the current numbers and grow organically.

          I’d also like to see more youtubers etc promote the fediverse and explain how it works as there seems to be a lot of confusion out there.

          Ultimately its exciting and healthy for the Internet and society as a whole

    • ramOP
      51 year ago

      Agreed! Discord is a stream of thought conversational platform. Even while there may be “topics”, they’re moreso just to categorize the (mostly) noise of the platform. It’s similar to twitter in that regard, but very dissimilar from other social media in that it prioritizes direct one-to-one interaction over the broad dissemination of information.

      I hope Discord gets their shit together, but as is, I’d have left already if it wasn’t for social ties.

    • makeitso
      31 year ago

      Honestly I think a lot of people were just feeling afraid of losing contact with people who belong to their communities on Reddit. I know I was guilty of the same…all misty-eyed, imagining people I’ve come to really like being around and sharing with over the years just scattered in the wind ahhh

      But I’m feeling better now. I’ve accepted that I have to delete my Reddit accounts. I’m pretty much over it. I feel committed to helping build up new communities in places like this, etc.

      But yeah discord has been good for some things over the years….but seeing what is going on there I fully expect it to go the way of everything else—to shit.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Um. The only drama I’ve seen about Discord is the name change crap. Unfortunately that was a necessary change because of their own original stupidity with usernames and capitalization.




    Every permutation of capitalization can be a unique username under their original format, and for the low low price of Nitro you can change your discriminator at will to impersonate someone quite convincingly.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I tried setting up discord once for a project. I use a whitelist firewall on my workstation for a few reasons. Discord is the most sketchy nonsense I have ever encountered. At least when I tried a few years ago, discord tries to make a cascade of connections to what appears to be random raw IP addresses on weird ports. I started punching a few holes to let it through but after a half dozen raw IP addresses and it still didn’t work I said forget this nonsense. I’m probably just too dumb to understand what is going on, but I’m not willing to trust any proprietary service like that, especially when I really can’t tell how they are remotely financially viable. Maybe someone here knows why they operate like this on raw IP addresses and ports. I didn’t find any explanation on their website.

  • ramOP
    21 year ago

    I know this doesn’t really fall into “tech news” or anything, but the take seemed insightful enough to be worthy of sharing imo, so forgib me pls ❤️

  • Drew
    21 year ago

    Discord employees are in revolt? First I’ve heard of it

  • @artificial_unintelligence
    11 year ago

    I have yet to join any matrix instances, but I’ve heard it’s a good replacement for discord. And discord already has a concept of manually hosted servers so I feel like it’s a smaller jump to full federation than some of the other services coming to fediverse

  • BIFF
    11 year ago

    I agree that there’s a currenct hard push for massive enshittification, so I think we’d better be ready and able to 1) embrace federation, 2) advance it to a degree that BigTech can’t keep up with (FTL speed), 3) pay actual money for it ourselves to ourselves, and 4) do what we must to enshrine anti-enshittification systems into the fabric of this new direction of online society.

  • Scrubbles
    11 year ago

    I noticed last month that Discord was starting to push bugs regularly, where before they were a rock solid platform. I remember years ago they pushed one bug that caused an annoyance at worst and they sent and official apology out in a blog post.

    I’m ready to go to host my own, I’m just so freaking tired of needing to switch platforms. I’m hoping this is our last stop here, hopefully another 10 years, just so annoyed. Can’t anything just break even? Why does it have to be super mega profitable? I even pay for Nitro, can’t we just have things be nice?