Every social media site is overrun by hundreds of Russian bots, some worse than others (Meta products). What can we do to combat this? Should those of us who don’t want to live in a fascist dictatorship be running our own bot farms? Something has to be done to change the iron grip they have on the narrative of history and reality to the common man.
How can I make leftist bots to fight this plague?
ITT: “Why you think it Russian bot, comrade? Russia never hack!”
There’s enough available research to show that Russia is running massive bot programs, you’re either living under a rock, ignorant, or it benefits you to deflect from the issue.
Edit 2: The user with the name like dimesix (I’ve blocked them) has gone through and downvoted all the comments he could on my profile. I wonder why this thread upsets him to such a degree that he’d do that?
“Willfully” after an extensive and long-running disinformation and disruption campaign, yeah. What you imply as “willfully” as if it were autonomously - implying without Russian influence - is a complete misattribution and misinterpretation. It’s a combination of forces. The Russian campaign is a significant actor in those.
I think all the american media that are pro trump have a much larger influence and I have a hard time believing Joe Rogan or CNN are Russian assets