I’ve been reliably informed that, unlike Reddit, I can reply “Fuck Musk”. I hope that’s the case. If it isn’t, still “Fuck Musk”.
I’ve been under the impression that, unlike Reddit, I can upvote posts like this, so I did.
I’ve been under the impr-
We can also pray that people like Elon are met by someone like Luigi 🙏
As much as “I was just following orders” is not enough to excuse someone of their responsibility in atrocities, “I was just issuing orders” will not excuse anyone either.
Anyone who thinks that just because someone didn’t pull the trigger, that means they’re not guilty, you can get your ass back in line to lick elons boots.
This is in the same vein as “Hitler did some good things” kind of cognitive dissonance. While the statement may not be wholly false, the fact that anyone could overlook everything he did that was bad, to find some small piece of something he did that can be construed as “good” is simply trying to put an objectively evil person into a better light, when they do not deserve it.
There are plenty of misunderstood people in history that did very good things, and were killed/maimed/murdered/imprisoned/tarred/feathered/whatever, because they did something that the wrong people saw as bad.
Nobody should ever try to find a shining light of good deep down in the black abyss of Hitler’s life.
Reminds me of a Brazilian advert for a magazine in the 90s. It started with some large black and white dots, slowly zooming out, and the narration went something like:
"This man was an artist. When he took power, his country was in a deep economic recession, but he brought prosperity back and made it home to some of the most important industrial companies still functioning today. To this day, many people look up to him. This man… (zoom out finishes) was Adolf Hitler.
It’s possible to tell a lie telling only truths."
Just keeeeeep digging that hole Musky boi. Might as well upgrade to a backhoe at this point.
The most generous interpretation of this that I can give is, “if I ransack the government, the government won’t be able to kill millions.” Questionable logic.
The guy just enjoys adding to the number of times “Hitler” is said online.
I am getting brain rot through his trash talk
“Mr. Musk, you recently shared a post that mentioned the workers were the ones who killed people and not Hitler without elaboration. Do you believe that Hitler bears no responsibility?”
Musk needs to be strapped into a chair, “Clockwork Orange” style and forced to watch all 9 hours of “Shoah.”
Baby shark on repeat.
Oh of course, if you fire all your public workers, you can’t have a genocide because there’s nobody to carry out your orders.
Silly fucking me.
I’m assuming we can look forward to all those cops and ICE agents being fired then.
Good thing they are arresting those scary antisemitic campus protesters.
Has the ADL responded to Elon yet?
Haha “The Onion”, you almost got me… OH GOOD GOD
Void, that was a great show
It sounds like a pretty good argument for pushing back against the administration and not following orders.
Guns don’t kill people. I do. I kill people. with guns.
But it’s real.
Jon Lajoi was the bartender in the Necrogoblikon video for No one survives.
This animal needs to go.
Make him go, then. The world is watching. (Assuming you are American)
To be fair, records show that this wretch emerged from some sulphurous stinking hole that appeared in South Africa somewhere, so surely some of our friends there might know the incantation to send him back?
Whoever Luigi’s Musk will be a legend.
It could be you! (L)
I’m not.
At this point I’m thinking the only thing that’s going to restore our image on the world stage is if we go full Londo when the Vorlons were moving in on Centauri Prime.
Spoilers dude I’m on my fifth re-watch don’t tell me what’s gonna happen
The destruction of the island of Selini was one of the greatest things Londo ever did as Emperor. I get the feeling, it’s also one of the only times he felt remorse at anything he had done, since he had to ask many Centauri to knowingly die to keep the illusion up. I’d like to believe that he gave Vir what Vir told Mr. Morden that he wanted from Mr. Morden as a form of penance.
*needs to be put down
I was taught to have zero tolerance when it comes to Nazism. If you don’t deal with them, they’ll deal with you…
There is an unmarked ditch/grave for all the nazi soldiers and sympathizers from WWII near where I live. There is always room for more.
ZERO TOLERANCE, motherfuckers!
There is an unmarked ditch/grave for all the nazi soldiers and sympathizers from WWII near where I live. There is always room for more.
And so you piss and shit on their graves as much as possible right?
There is no knowing exactly where it is, because it’s unmarked (because fuck them). BUT I piss everywhere in that area just in case.
I too piss everywhere, just in case!
Good man!
In the same vein, Musk didn’t make billions. Tesla workers did.
Can we agree to this and not the Hitler thing ?
I feel like absent Hitler, they would not have self organized to put people in ovens. Whereas the workers would still have gone out and produced wealth (for another capitalist).
Ugh… Hitler was just the tip of a sick society. Does this mean every German at the time was guilty? No. Were they all innocent except him? No.
Does this still need to be debated outside of middle school? NO!Hitler lover!
I like this reading.
I will also accept that maybe Elon is calling his right wing cultist followers dumb fucking sheep who will bend to their master’s will