• Lmaydev
    1 year ago

    We used to use jQuery because there basically wasn’t a decent way to do a lot of things back then. Like selectors for instance.

    Many of its best features have been absorbed in JS to the point vanilla is a much more approachable choice now.

    The reason react and Vue are so popular is that any decently sized js app quickly becomes very hard to maintain. Or at least becomes time consuming to maintain. This is generally down to its dynamic nature.

    • TootSweet@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Yeah, I agree that jQuery used to be pretty necessary for some pretty basic features in JS but is kindof obsolete now-a-days.

      I don’t agree that any codebase that doesn’t use framewok X or Y will inevitably devolve into unmaintainability. If it does, it’s probably more because one isn’t following best practices. (Like the Unix Philosophy or SOLID (which functionally are kindof the same thing), DRY, ZOI, etc.) And no amount of frameworks can save you from that fate if you indeed aren’t taking steps to ensure the longer-term maintainability of your codebase.