Where is the outrage? Where have all the “humans” gone? Israel slaughtered over 400 innocent civilians in Gaza last night. Most of them women and children.
None of those with #Ukraine, #Canada, #Mexico and #EU flags on their profile raising their voice condemning this outrageous crime.
The sheikh wandered around the city with a lamp
I’m tired of all the devils and the death, and seeking one human
They said it cannot be found, we have searched, As we said before
That which cannot be found I desire
دی شیخ با چراغ همی گشت گرد شهر
کز دیو و دد ملولم و انسانم آرزوست
گفتند یافت می نشود جسته ایم ما گفت
آن که یافت می نشود آنم آرزوست
#poetry #Rumi #Gaza #Inhumanity #Death #politics #Israel #Genocide #WarCrime
@[email protected] @[email protected] @israel @iran
FUCK Zionists and their supporters
I want my country to stop supporting this
🇨🇦 My MEP will be having a Q&A in a week and I will go and pressure him on this. I’m not sure what more I can really do.
the outage is gone, you’ve used up your yearly alloted outrage quota, you will no longer experience anger, nor most other emotions.
That reminds me of a quote (kinda poem like) I made after directly seeing the destruction in Gaza
“One day the bombs will stop falling from the sky, the barrels will fall silent, and a “normal” will set in, but the soil will be forever drenched with the blood of the innocent”
Over 400 in the latest bombings.
Where have all the “humans” gone?
Gone to graveyards, every one
When will they ever learn?
they didn’t get graves, dear. you know that. not enough humans around to bury themm, and the zionists certainly weren’t gonna. they’re just under the rubble.
It’s a reference to a Pete Seeger song, “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?”.
well now I feel dumb. thank you, that means I learned a thing.
Only metaphorically.
Bold of you to assume they bother with yards and not just pits in the earth.
Yes I think that’s probably enough now.
While Trump attacks every traditional US colony/ally, he is masterfully successful in getting them to all cower and increase division with Russia, Palestine, and in Canada’s case, China as well. All of the colonies are simply shamefully isolating themselves in hope that their CIA handlers will ask Trump to be nicer to them instead of extorting their weakness much harder.
That was possibly the hardest thing to take, surviving the genocide(s). The banal evil, the indifference, the apathy, the heads in the sand, so many wannabe good falling to inaction and wilful ignorance upon confrontation with the overwhelm at the horror… some even going back into denial. Horrible catch22s and psychological fatiguing as strategies to further defeat and divide us by. I KNOW it is hard, but still have compassion and sympathy for those who succumb to losing theirs, while encouraging them back to sense of empowerment, reassuring them, there is something they can do, they will seek it, find it, and do it. On and on. No room here for defeatist self fulfilling prophecies of despair and ignorance. Awaken, mendwards, because it’s necessary. Amazing grace… We’re not done here. We can still mend this.
I’ve been negative on what’s going on in Israel for a long time, but I admit I’m not overly motivated to go into the streets and clutch my pearls in dismay.
The Canadian govt and organisations in general, to my understanding, aren’t really giving a ton of weapons for use in this crap. And clearly, our government’s stance has basically zero weight with other countries at this point – especially with the USA trying to annex us / starting preparations to conduct a Russian style invasion (they’re listing ‘fentanyl’ as a WMD next, so that they can use the tiny amount that crosses their border as an excuse to invade their neighbours it seems).
The issue of the USA falling apart, given its historic central role in most western/democratic pushes, is a bigger issue for most of us, than the deterioration of an area that lacks democracy. I mean, the USA’s authoritarian trend is what’s enabling Israel to do these things in some ways. The states falling apart is also a lot more ‘directly’ impactful for citizens in western countries – we notice when the USA decides to wage an economic war against us, more than we notice the atrocities occurring on the other side of the world.
There’s also only so much time you can dedicate to ‘protesting’, in between working a regular job to provide for your basic necessities. People’re tired man, and focusing on the protests that mean the most to them.
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I never visited that site, it’s worse than Minds.com and BlueSky.
Some politicians are trying to do something.
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And this was done with the explicit approval of Trump. Fuck anyone who voted for Trump because “Genocide Joe.” Yes, we all know the Democrats are absolutely fucking awful. We also knew before the election that Trump would be far worse for Gaza because he kept telling us he would be.
This is why I think Trump can do whatever he wants and get away with it. People keep telling me his supporters have their limits, but I really don’t think they do.
sorry, I just literally could not vote for genocide joe.
maybe stop trying to re-litigate an election your guys lost because they refused to give even the smallest consideration to their voters, including letting a palestinian-american speak or giving even the mildest and least binding condemnation of this shit. accept that this is why they lost. because centrists and leftists can’t hold their noses and endorse genocide, while fascists get hard at the thought.
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Your kind of thinking is extremely dangerous. Strict utilitarian thinking leads to gas chambers. You can excuse a whole lot of evil in the name of the greater good.
There is a difference between utilitarian and practical reality. The practical reality is Palestine will soon be wiped off the map. The utilitarianism would have been to elect someone that talked about possible peace talks while VP, and see if we can come to an agreement.
But I guess “fuck it, blow them all up.” is better somehow.
What you call “practical reality” is utilitarian thinking. They’re one and the same. Picking a candidate based on lesser of two evils is utilitarian thinking. This is literally undergraduate 100-level ethics.
If you never studied ethics, there are two main branches that ethical systems are often classified by:
Utilitarian - greatest good for the greatest many, ends justifies the means.
Respect for persons - there are some principles you won’t violate, full stop.
People have different ethics systems, and you fail to realize that. Then you stamp your feet when someone dares to have a different ethical system from your own.
Some people simply have red lines they will not cross. And it’s a damn good thing such people exist. There has to be some people willing to punish Democrats for drifting too far to the right. Otherwise they’ll just keep drifting, and you’ll end up with an election that’s the KKK vs the Aryan Brotherhood. Or the Democrats will be running Mussolini to the Republican’s Hitler.
On the other hand, you need some people to vote utilitarian as well. Too many people voting on strict red lines means winning becomes impossible.
It’s almost like we live in a diverse society where many viewpoints and backgrounds are beneficial and needed. The Democrats drifted too far to the right, and they were punished by voters who simply would not vote for any pro-genocide candidate. In the values of those voters, you can’t excuse your own crimes because your opponent will probably commit worse ones. And that’s not some fringe theory; that’s how our legal system works. You can’t kill someone and claim innocence because the ends justify the means.
You can disagree, it’s a free country. I just wish you would demonstrate a little belief in Democracy. Democracy starts with acknowledging we have different opinions and different ethical systems. It doesn’t start with stamping your feet and insisting your value system is the only one with any merit. That is the way to dictatorship. That’s MAGA thinking.
You do realize none of that matters. One side could be pushed to do the right thing. The other side is actively ignoring judges. You can claim the high road of democracy all the way until it’s completely dismantled.
This isn’t even a matter of ethics, which I studied, but it’s been so long and the real PRACTICAL world has taught more lessons than a fucking ethics class with a professor playing devils advocate. It’s a matter of real world happenings and Palestine getting obliterated from the globe because people decided not to “vote for the lesser evil” is something that will happen in the real world.
are you suggesting I should have done a write-in? and that he was still meaningful opposition? fuck off.
First, you were never asked to vote for Biden last year. He literally never appeared on any ballots. Not a single person voted for Biden last year. So your entire point here is fucking moot.
Second, nobody is asking you to get married to who you vote for. You aren’t required to support every word they’ve ever said. You aren’t even required to support a single thing they do. American elections are a binary choice between the lesser of two evils. That’s how they’ve ALWAYS been. You pick the least bad of two bad options, and Harris was objectively less bad than Trump in every degree. If your candidate wins, you get to work fighting against the lesser evil that defeated the greater one. I’ve been voting for 21 years now and every single election I had to hold my nose and vote for someone I didn’t like because the other option was worse. This election wasn’t about you. Get over yourself and grow the fuck up.
Third, electoral politics shouldn’t define your life or even the extent of your participation in politics. It’s a single theater of political action among MANY. I was out there before the election in the streets protesting the Democratic ticket’s support of the Gaza Genocide. I also recognized that putting Harris in the White House over Trump would have been better on MANY other issues (women’s healthcare, trans rights, the economy, jobs for federal workers, cost of living, etc, etc). I’m not so petty and self-centered to delude myself into believing one single issue was the only thing that mattered in the entire election.
Nobody is saying Democrats are great or even good. They fucking suck. We don’t have good options in our electoral politics. We never have. That’s why you need to engage in other forms of politics, too. Your entire “I couldn’t vote for genocide Joe” bullshit is just self-indulgence. It’s childish.
he never appeared on any ballots
THEN WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME VOTING FOR HIM!? that is what I was saying! nobody gave me the option! you can’t even be bothered to remember who you ran, so it feels like this is just an excuse to be angry, as if being angry at people and badgering them will make them agree with you. it won’t. I didn’t read the rest. I did kind of skim it, and didn’t see anything I haven’t read a hundred times before. im really sick of it, dude. everyone is.
and there’s kind of actually important stuff going on. fascism, genocides, the restructuring of geopolitical balances, pandemics, food shortages, fascism, genocides. it’s, like, a thing. and here you’re complaining about people having some bare minimum moral line they would not dip below. kind of makes you look like an asshole who doesn’t care about any of that stuff, and only really cares about your team keeping power.
Where is your personal red line? Do you even have one?
Seriously. I’m asking you. What is your personal red line? What would a Democrat have to do to not get your vote, assuming the Republican running against them was a little worse?
Do you have one? Is there ANY behavior you won’t accept, so long as a Democrat is a little bit better than the opposing Republican?
Or would you happily endorse a literal Holocaust as long as it was a bipartisan affair?
I don’t see voting for one of the two in a binary as an endorsement of everything that candidate stands for. You’re acting as if not voting sends a message. It doesn’t it’s literally the opposite of sending a message. It’s refusing to have a voice at all. You’re not condemning the system by not voting. You’re saying you’re perfectly OK with either of the two outcomes. I’m saying I’m not OK with one of them.
You’re also speaking as if voting is the only possible way to engage in politics. It happens twice a year (in years with both primary and general elections). What are you doing the other 363 days? Are you just sitting by and letting whatever happens happen?
For me, personally, voting is an EXTREMELY minor part of my engagement with politics. I also participate in protests regularly. Ever since my early 20s (late 30s now) I’ve made a point of attending at least 1 protest every month. For the past 8 years, it’s been closer to weekly than monthly. I donate a lot of money to different groups, mostly a local abortion fund and bail fund for activists, but I change it up when the need is there. I make food for a local Food not Bombs and help serve when I can (although that’s infrequently due to my work schedule and the fact I have kids).
This is not an exhaustive list of my political activities, but it helps paint the picture.
Tell me, if your vote is so direly precious that you’re unwilling to give it away to the lesser of two evils in a binary choice where “none” is not an option, how do you engage with politics? What do you do to help improve the lives of the people in your community? Or are you just trying to shitpost a revolution into happening?
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Can you fucking dipshit white supremacist American scum try to get it through your fucking burger grease clogged brain fat that real humans exist outside of your fucked up country.
If they were capable of that sort of self reflection we would not be in this situation.
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I didnt vote for either of the human scum they offered for sElection, Bitch. Bye @Goodmorningsunshine
And yet you still have to live with the fascists who won the election. You don’t get a gold star for moral superiority. There are no good guys in American elections. There never have been. You vote for the lesser of the two evils presented to you, then go back to engaging in politics in ways other than electorally.
@vvilld Fuck off troll.
I’m not trolling…
By not voting, you are agreeing with whatever candidate wins.
@13igTyme No. It’s a vote for None of the above. Some countries actually have that on the ballot, but IMAGINE how much a US rerun would cost, or some scumbag attempting to govern with 10% of the popular vote. Bye Bye.
The US is not other countries. When you abstain from voting or write in a protest vote, you are showing your disdain for both candidates while accepting and agreeing with the chosen outcome.
Your choices were to elect a candidate that we could then protest and push in the right direction, or a candidate that literally had plans to dismantle the government completely laid out in a 900 page document. By not voting, you decided that you are okay with the candidate dismantling the government if they happen to win.
This was also happening under Biden, you genocide denying scum, this is literally just a return to what was happening under genocide Joe.
We also knew before the election that Trump would be far worse for Gaza because he kept telling us he would be.
And by “far worse” you mean the genocide in Gaza would be exactly the same, but selfish comfortable liberals in the US like you wouldn’t have their politicians sugar coating it in comforting platitudes to you in their domestic addresses. And that make you feel bad, and that’s the only fucking thing you western white supremacists shitlibs care about.
Understand that the US empire is evil, and zionist supremacist control over it is inescapable. Zionist oligarchy, and entire media, funding shifted to Trump in 2024, while in 2020 they picked the most Republican/Zionist/Neocon to win the DNC primary.
I do understand that, tell the genocide apologists that think genocide is only bad when its the Republicans doing it that
Literally nobody here said anything close to “the genocide is only bad when its the Republicans doing it.” You are arguing against a strawman of your own invention.
You seem to have an incredibly mistaken understanding of my personal politics. I was out in person protesting the Democrat’s Gaza policy before the election. I’m not claiming or pretending like Democrats were good in any way at all. In fact, if you read my above comment closely, you’ll notice that I pretty clearly said:
Yes, we all know the Democrats are absolutely fucking awful.
Nobody here is claiming that there was no genocide while Biden was in office. Of course there was. What I’m criticizing is people who believed the genocide would stop or that Trump would be better for Gaza. There is actually a difference in degrees and the Republicans are actually far far worse for Gaza and all Palestinians. Again, that doesn’t mean that the Democrats are good. It means that the Republicans are even worse.
Also, I’m not a liberal.
You seem to have an incredibly mistaken understanding of my personal politics.
Don’t care, you engage in genocide denial to support Joe Biden, that tells me enough.
There is actually a difference in degrees and the Republicans are actually far far worse for Gaza and all Palestinians
No. There isn’t. The only difference is how they sell it to domestic Americans, and being the selfish western white supremacist that you are, that’s all you care about.
Again, that doesn’t mean that the Democrats are good. It means that the Republicans are even worse.
They’re not though, you’re just a selfish PoS
Also, I’m not a liberal.
You are engaging in genocide denial to protect Joe Biden. You are a liberal at best
Where am I trying to protect Biden on anything? The hell are you talking about? You have some very serious reading comprehension problems.
Your posts are literally right there man, drop the denial act.
Please quote the part where I tried to protect Biden about anything. The whole point here was to criticize people who voted for Trump while believing the clearly demonstrable lie that he was going to be better for the people of Gaza than Biden.
You are either severely brainwashed or severely braindumb.
- What party/what person is currently in charge?
- And what is currently going on?
- Who is responsible for what is currently going on?
This has nothing to do with anyone’s personal beliefs, this is basic logic and understanding how space and time work.
What party/what person is currently in charge?
What party was in charge for the previous year of unrestrained genocide
And what is currently going on?
Israel is resuming the unrestrained genocide it was committing under Biden.
Who is responsible for what is currently going on?
A great many people.
This has nothing to do with anyone’s personal beliefs, this is basic logic and understanding how space and time work.
Indeed, you for instance, should learn to remember anything form more than three minutes ago, genocide apologist
You are an idiot at best or bad faith actor at worst, lol. Byeeeee~
Apt username.
Average .world shitlib
Average .ml tankie
[I] Don’t care
Clearly. And that’s as far as anyone needs to read to know your opinion is worth less than wet single-ply toilet paper.
Least incoherent genocide supporting shitlib
Shitlib is when people don’t agree with your takes.
Not at this point, always have been.
Don’t get how some people can be supportive of that
Same way people support russia and trump. Having room temperature iq and not mentally developing past edgy teenager years.
Always has been. Not to say Russia hasn’t also been terrible, this kind of ethnic cleansing has been central to Zionism before Israel even existed
Nobody expects canadians with their right wing government and even worse massive extreme right wing Banderite lobby to have an idea about anything
Always have been.
Governments are largely those who decide what will be outraged by the majority of people.
There have been protests for east Congo here in Belgium and now Rwanda is cutting ties with my country for siding with Congo. It’s a conflict that started in 2022 but I had no idea. It was just not covered. I still have no idea.
Palestine Israel conflict is well covered. I saw it on the news today, it was an hour long discussion. They showed Oxfam commercial about it, which includes a Belgian young celebrity. She then spoke about it.
The outrage bout Gaza is more present in the younger generation.
Politician of the social democrats at the table said that she hopes that Europe will put sanctions, as it’s part of the trade agreement that it will be abolished when human rights aren’t being respected.
Trump is choosing the side of murderers with money in each conflict.
IDK in what parallel universe you live.
You suddenly are going to only blame Trump now? Yuo sound like those US lib hypocrits. Guess who let them massacre relentlessly before him?
And Europe has done absolutely nothing, if not helped those genociders.
And like everywhere else in the western regime press, the conflict is not ‘well covered’.
It is always biased towards shitrael.