I made this Python menu-driven CLI script for yt-dlp. It guides you through a series of menus to download content from a YouTube URL.
If anyone is interested, feedback would be greatly appreciated as only I have tested this so far, and I want to make sure it works for other people’s systems.
If you encounter any issues or bugs, let me know so I can fix them!
Edit: I should mention: This is not a pipx package. That was never the intention developing this initially. I might make it a package in the future, but for now, it is just a project directory.
I tried to run it but it wouldn’t on the version of python I have.
If you could bring yourself to use if … elif … etc instead of
then it could run it on much older versions of python.but then they wouldn’t be using match
is virtue signaling that have no intention of creating a working package.What’s next on the list of crap could all live without?
What version of Python were you using?
I’m testing different Python versions to see what the minimum is for yt-dlp-adv is. I know 3.10 is when they added match-case, so 3.9 isn’t supported. Will update README with minimum working version after I’m done testing.
Why? It’s not a package? There are no tests or anything else. It’s held together with duct tape, hope, and good intentions. So of course it’ll not work as intended.