The comment I replied to: “Firefighters and emergency workers have begged people not to burn Tesla’s. They need to respond regardless of their dislike for Elon and the fumes can be fatally toxic.”
My reply: “Yes, Elon Musk fuming can be fatally toxic.”
I guess they incorrectly thought I meant fatal for him? But why would we be poisoning him just for being upset lol?
Either way I’m getting closer, almost there!
Temporary ban from reddit mods or sub mods? If latter, which sub?
Reddit wide. I was permabanned from politics and temp banned from another subreddit for similar bullshit.
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten mail when I’ve been banned from a sub unless the mods specifically choose to send it, but I may be misremembering. Based on that I think this is site wide.
I’ve gotten an admin auto ban from a sub recently. That sent me a mail directly. (The sub mobs overturned it.)
The other bans I got from subs were like you say—banned from the sub it’s elf (like for commenting in another sub) depended on whether or not they decided to push mail.