What the hell did I miss this time?
Can someone recommend me a new instance and how to move my account?
Dbzer0 is cool, too, AFAIK
This is true!
You can’t move your account but you can have multiple acounts with the same name if they’re not on the same instance. In the Voyager app you can stay logged into more than one at the same time. Also you can check out most instances without creating an account so I’d suggest taking a look yourself to see what you like. You can find a list with filter options here.
That’s the problem with platforms that offshoot for free speech reasons.
I want to be able to say eat the rich and luigi magione was right.
Others want to spout hate in all forms.
Then people begin to argue these are the save of you should tolerate intolerance. Which you should never do
I want to be able to say eat the rich and luigi magione was right.
You can. [email protected] & [email protected]
You just can’t advocate for violence.
That seems like a contradictory statement
Also read this instances TOS and it is pretty lame. I have particular issue with no war footage. If you are in a democratic nation that is either in a war or funding a war you should see it’s results for what it is. War is ugly and hiding that is a great disservice to the world
But I suppose the advantage of lemmy is I can simply find an instance not afraid to share those and still have access to this one
Honestly I don’t entirely disagree. But it is a very… nuanced situation.
I think there’s a layer of subjectivity that protects us from getting banned from LW. Things like “free Luigi” and “Luigi did nothing wrong” are fine because they’re not directly advocating for violence. But you can’t say X, Y, or Z should get murdered. I think that’s the line.
I moderate both of those subs but honestly I think I’d agree with you, .world was not the best place to create those communities.
Sorry for the random question but I’m pretty new to the whole lemmy/fediverse thing.
If I’m signed up through lemmy world and someone shares something like this in a different server will I still see it in my feed? Or would I need an account elsewhere.
If browsing all posts and if is “federated” with that server then yes.
But I don’t think that’s very likely.
I see, thank you for the reply. Guess it’d probably be worth spreading out a couple different accounts then.
You can subscribe to communities in other servers directly from 1 account. Only exception is if that server isn’t federated
This is a account and I’m commenting here
I’ve always been intolerant of intolerance
The left is getting killed on the trans sports issue (which I believe is a completely manufactured issue) because we haven’t talked about it enough to iron out a reasonable position.
The general pop is not accepting of trans people in professional sports. I don’t think that will change anytime soon but trans people playing school sports is far more accepted and I think its a much more convincing to fight on the issue of trans people participating in school sports for fun and social reasons. It draws away from the shit narrative that trans people are trying to compete at the highest level and I don’t think anyone can reasonably argue against it since casual sport commonly mixes gender.
Who gives a shit about what is happening in non-professional sports anyways? It’s kids having fun. Puppies chasing a ball. It is the least important thing on the planet.
Jesus Christ, just let private sports organizations sort it out between themselves, their participants, and their audience. Why should this be the government’s problem when everything’s on fire and there’s microplastics in our brains and lungs? I mean really, this isn’t hard stuff. People are people, let them have their rights. If you don’t want them to have their rights because you don’t like one of several groups they’re a part of (likely without any say in the matter)? You might be a shitbag.
You don’t like that the NHL decides not to be trans inclusive (fuck idk, did they)? Write em a nastygram and pull your subscription. You don’t like that they decided to be trans inclusive? Maybe stop being such a fucking piece of shit, but nobody’s holding a gun to your head, unsubscribe and send them your tear-stained letter about how it ruined your life. This is a niche issue that people can work out between themselves without the stupid government inserting itself into the middle of things.
Who are you arguing against? I’m pro trans. I’m not I’m favour of government deciding this. But the government has decided to take away this right and now that forces people to fight (rhetorically) to restore it. I’m only making the case on how I think this subject should be approached.
If you want to go and arguing trans people in pro sports again go ahead but the right loves that. Its the only position where they have an argument.
I’m saying that should be the position: “unlike the republicans, we want a government small enough that it isn’t micromanaging how sports organizations run themselves. We believe that the organizations, their members, and their audience are competent adults who can work out their rules for themselves.”
I think the issue is just a distraction to split people. It reminds me of that one episode from IASIP. It also reminds me of bikeshedding. Like how many people are even trans athletes who rank high enough for this to even matter? Like 1 or 2? It feels like a disproportionate amount of interest to discuss something so trivial.
Yes it was a distraction but its enshrined in law now. Its also still being used as a wedge issue. Yes there is almost no trans people competing at a high level but thay doesnt matter to most people. The right will blast the example over and over and over forcing people on the left to defend it. Its better to not defend it and to instead talk about participation in school sports (which is what the law actually impacts). I’m only suggesting engaging the topic became we need to convince people that repealing the law is a good thing and enshrining protections is even better.
It’s a non issue. Professional and high level competitive sports like international council and Olympics addressed this YEARS ago. With data and research to support their current positions and recommendedations.
Its a non issue but its still something on peoples minds thanks to right wingers constantly bringing it up and writing policy on it. Normally id say its fine to ignore it but since they’ve written policy on it left wingers need to reverse that and get protections in place.
Hopefully in my part of the world the challenges based on discrimination and rights violation go through. Once that reinforces that no, you can’t do these things, it becomes a closed topic.
You can’t give an inch is the issue. Not only because we’re talking about fundamental human rights (trans people should just accept not being permitted to engage in sports?) but because it only shifts the Overton window onto the next thing with arguments now strengthened by capitulation.
If you permit transphobes the position that trans women are dangerous in sports it becomes easier to point to that and say “see, they are also dangerous in [new domain of contention], the progressives even agree!
My point is that you arent giving up on that point you’re avoiding it. Its not a popular point and if you try to argue it you lose in the minds of the average person. By avoiding the issue and talking about stronger examples like Trans people being humans who want to play sport to make friends and have fun you get a much stronger position to argue from.
I usually point out that the Olympics have allowed trans contenders since 2004, and if it was the cheat code it’s asserted to be, the entire Chinese and Russian teams would be trans people. That usually gets people thinking “huh, maybe this is some bull”
That’s another good point!
My issue is that that is a good argument and should be convincing it doesnt convince people. When they hear that they hand wave it then get swayed by a more emotional argument of a random example of a trans women doing well in a sport. I’ve been watching how right wingers do media and there is a tatic i think should be co op’d. Basically if they try and say “trans people shouldnt be allowed in sports because a trans boxer broke someones nose” You just completely ignore that and say “the legislation prevented a trans person from playing in causal after school netball team how the fuck is that fair.” Then hopefully they take the bait and response to what you’ve said and everyone watching forgets the 1st point and hangs on the 2nd point which is fair easier to defend because it makes sense to people emotionally.
You can’t logically argue your way out of bigotry. They don’t care whether they’re actually correct or not about trans issues. They already wanted to harm us and remove us from society where possible, and will find any reason to do so. See: the bathroom debates.
I’d rather people just stood up for us at all than act like they need to make good points in order for us to exist. You’re all playing kickball and we’re the ball.
Its not about presenting a logical argument. I think at this point we’ve seen that doesnt work. Its about presenting an emotionally convincing argument. Shifting the focus to causal sports is more likely to convince the average person that its fine. This does two things it prevents the conversation shifting to extreme examples and it plants the seed for conversations about trans participation in competitive sport.
They wanted to be Reddit again and boy are they still trying to do that.
If everyone from reddit moves over then it will be reddit
I didn’t realize there was much of a culture difference between the instances. Is this written down anywhere?
I first noticed the issue with .world when discussion of Luigi was censored there in December. That’s why I’m not on there any more. They’re too eager to toe the line and appear corpo friendly like reddit.
There’s some that are quite clearly different than most. hexbear is probably one of the most notorious., while commonly associated with hexbear, still has a clearly different vibe from hexbear.
But with regards to toleration of transphobia, there’s certainly variation with regards to moderation, which means certain instances have much more widespread transphobia than others. Similarly differences exist with regards to other forms of bigotry, such as some instances tolerating pretty overt misogyny with regards to the bear vs man in a forest topic while others used it as a chance to ban a lot of people they didn’t want in their communities. Some see their instances more like a small community to hang out with friends and others see their instance more as a public forum open to anyone. for some reason seems to both have a lot of ban-happy mods, regularly being mentioned in places like PTBs, yet somehow is also known for tolerating transphobia.
Apparently at least one person associates the instance I’m posting from with people who just want reddit (unsurprising given the name it would appeal to such) and the person claimed to assume I was being transphobic somehow because of the instance I was on (I think they missed a word like “not” or something that drastically changed the meaning).
Imo, blahaj has a lot more similar feel to reddit trans communities than a lot of the other trans communities on the fediverse.
I don’t normally pay attention to what instance communities or posters are from, so I don’t really have much direct opinion and more just see second-hand opinions.
The admins influence the culture of their instances a lot more than they would like to admit.
Fair, but I have to admit, it’s kind of hard to figure out.
Yeah, I’m new-ish and I don’t yet know the various instance “cultures.” Hopefully picking blahaj wasn’t a mistake, lol.
The admin is great and doesn’t put up with nonsense. Downvotes are disabled, which took some getting used to. I have never regretted my choice of instance. Very queer-friendly and I like the people as a whole. Welcome, hope you love it.
Blahaj is pretty good. I think you don’t get a downvote option there which I don’t quite understand but the people are chill.
I was wondering about downvotes since I saw people mentioning them, but don’t see the option to do that myself. That explains it.
Not really. And that’s because anybody who would write it down recognizes that they’re going to get piled on.
We should all block unless they get their act together.
There are a few instances I wish mine would unblock, but world is not one of them
I do like the friendly vibe of Beehaw!
As long as it’s the user doing it, not instances.
If the instance allows it, then the instance is doing it.
But the user is choosing, to, not the instance.
It’s up to the instances to keep their communities safe for everyone.
This is why having different instances is great. If I feel like one is too heavy-handed with blocking others, I can just use another one that isn’t and choose what I want to block.
It’s such a cesspool over there
Spoiler: they won’t. is a a full on trash bag when it comes to those sorts of comments. And some people tried to tell me I was overreacting or lying about it (in specific reference to the 196 push that they failed at, yet still post to to try and garner new subs).
People really want free speech until they don’t.
If someone’s being a prick, just clown on them. They are entitled to speak their opinion, regardless of how stupid it is. Social ostracization will always be worse than anything moderation can do anyways.
The tolerant must not tolerate the intolerant
This is a clown shit comment, so I’m gonna clown on it. You are a clown. 🤡
That works while there’s enough people. If they outnumber the ones doing the clowning, it starts working the opposite way.
Removed by mod
Mixed teams, weight classes, a handicap system. These issues have been solved before the word transgender was even invented. And for some sports a natural advantage is just how it goes. I’ve never heard anyone propose banning tall people from playing basketball. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that what you said is the prevalent opinion and I don’t think it’s neccessarily coming from a bad place. But it’s misinformed and inherently political and I think it’s important to acknowledge that.
how do you guys think about sending woman with abnormally high testosterone to a mostly male team and vice versa?
This for example sounds viable to many people unfamiliar with the matter but in reality we might as well separate athletes by zodiac signs since testosterone levels just aren’t a reliable marker at all.
Another thing I see sometimes is the proposal of an all trans olympic alternative which among other things goes to show that people vastly overestimate the amount of trans athletes thanks to said politicisation.
This^ - as @[email protected] noted - women and men are good at different things so I don’t see why we can’t require mixed gender teams with equal representation for pretty much all sports.
And if somebody cries “fOrCeD dIvErSiTy!!” then you never really cared about women’s participation in sports anyways.
i like that: just sports, not womens- or mens- or trans- or whatever- sports. but by which system do you stop an all males team identifying as women for the duration of a weightlifting competition?
i dont have a good answer. but i was hoping someone in the discussion has.
Many/most sports require trans women to have been on HRT for 12-24 months prior to the competition.
ok, that sounds better. does insurance pay for HRT where you are, or what does that cost you? generally i think doing sports should not be behind a paywall (except equipment, which is hard to circumvent).
but in that case, it may be the best thing available to prevent shenanigans like the linked story.
agreed, testosterone (or other hormones) are a flawed system for categorising competitors. so is weight class, as women generally have a higher body fat ratio. so is any system we can come up with. however what I categorize MYSELF as, is probably the worst system. trans people should, like any other person, be able to do sports. but to have competition we need a better system then people choosing their opponents.
so that is why i am asking what systems you guys suggest.
so please leave any politics
You say, as you wade in to a topic that only exists for political reasons, and is actively driven and sustained entirely for political reasons
common ada w
Ada and Smorks are the best!
Trans-women are women who represent 0.2% of the population whom many are taking estrogen. You don’t care about regulating those with natural physical advantages in sports just with those who were often excluded from society as you want to keep hurting people for no reason.
obviously I care about those too. same as any steroids, PEDs, own-blood doping and whatever drugs, hormones or whatever they invent to increase performance. and stop crying for trans women. the example i mentioned was basically a trans woman with zero treatment. even if he was an obvious troll.
the whole argument is about having a reasonably fair and therefore interesting competition.
name checks out
They come into our community and start arguing against our rights.