I don’t know how to exactly describe what I’m after so I’ll explain my intent. I’d like to record (write up) my dreams from the night as a first thing in the morning, every day. I’d want it to be recorded with date stamp and easily searchable. Something like calendar and or diary/journal combined. I can’t figure out what I should be looking for. Simple calendar might do, but I’d have to start new event every morning and fill all the unneeded cells…

  • MajorHavoc
    22 hours ago

    I find it hard to beat Markor (available on F-Droid) for quick journaling on a phone.

    It has quick keys for instant open note files and todolist files, and has customizable (and reorderable) buttons, including an available button that inserts the current date with one touch.

    So in your shoes I would pull the quick date button to the start of the toolbar, and add dream logs to the Quick Note every morning.

    So then the taps are:

    1. Open Markor
    2. Tap Quick Note
    3. Tap Insert Date (looks like clock)

    Then type in dream notes.

    1. Tap ‘Save’.