Hey Dungeoneers, here’s that second patch I was mentioning. Just some more smaller fixes and translation updates.

Here’s the full list of changes in v3.0.2:

A Note for Steam Deck users

A bug was fixed in this patch which affected display scaling on Steam Deck. Due to a quirk in how the Steam Deck reported display dimensions, the game incorrectly thought Steam Deck’s screen was about 4", instead of 7".

As a result of this fix, you might notice that the interface appears differently as it now defaults to the ‘full’ UI mode instead of ‘mobile’. If you prefer the previous interface mode, you can swap to it in the settings by using the mobile interface mode and 5x interface scale.

Misc. Changes

  • Music muting while game is in background on desktop now also applies to blacksmith’s hammering sfx
  • Improved number rounding logic when damage hero takes is affected by several modifiers at once
  • Updated translations and translator credits


Fixed the following bugs:

Caused by v3.0:

  • Errors with Android golden supporter UI and full interface mode
  • Cleric’s Recall Glyph spell not working with some runestones while time was frozen

Existed Prior to v3.0:

  • Game incorrectly thinking it is on a phone screen when played on Steam Deck
  • Water of Awareness buff persisting between floors if the hero is very fast
  • Various errors when saving/loading custom controller bindings
  • Visual errors when Tengu’s sprite animations are frozen (e.g. via paralysis)
  • Characters still appearing as visible if knocked out of hero FOV in specific cases
  • Talisman of Foresight’s scry ability not detecting hiding mimics
  • Quick-using an item from a bag not using that item’s autotarget properties (for real this time)
  • PlumBrake@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    Glad to hear it won’t be a second sewers at least! On another note the Cleric has been great. So far Priest plays overall better than Paladin due to Hallowed and Lance. I can’t justify putting points on Mnenonic though. The Cleric spells affecting both solo heroes and NPC allies makes the class well designed I think, hopefully there’s more of these for other classes as I can never justify picking Warlock siphon & ally warp. SHPD has a nice niche of having NPC allies, which is often nonexistent in these kinds of games, but too bad they’re too weak and usually unobtainable in runs. The Cleric is changing this though, if only a bit!