“Ukraine’s intelligence service says it thwarted a Russian plot to blackmail a local teenage girl into blowing up a police building by threatening to make public intimate pictures on her phone.”
“Ukraine’s intelligence service says it thwarted a Russian plot to blackmail a local teenage girl into blowing up a police building by threatening to make public intimate pictures on her phone.”
Hell, some of us make our stuff public on purpose. ‘ooh herp derp, look at me, I’m so evil, I’ll re-upload all your pictures and videos that were already posted to your [redacted] channel.’ please, you aren’t hurting me - you’re just making me harder. Oooh, so scary, upping the stakes and threatening thermonuclear war? Bitch I’m a millennial. End my existence daddy uwu. Go on, push the button. PUSH THE BU
(redacted 'cause not the time or place :p)
You reminded me of the attempt by the KGB to blackmail Indonesian President Sukarno by having a bunch of flight attendants have sex with him and planting cameras and microphones to record it
When he heard they recorded his sexual escapades, he was thrilled and asked for a copy of the recording.
Hell yeah. ‘where can I watch it? do you need an editor?’ :P