“Ukraine’s intelligence service says it thwarted a Russian plot to blackmail a local teenage girl into blowing up a police building by threatening to make public intimate pictures on her phone.”
“Ukraine’s intelligence service says it thwarted a Russian plot to blackmail a local teenage girl into blowing up a police building by threatening to make public intimate pictures on her phone.”
wouldn’t be a problem if humanity hadn’t forced 1200 years of sexual oppression that makes you feel like your body is a filthy thing that shouldn’t be shared or touched.
then again, look at all the cool kinks we have now because people are forced into insanely creative ways to get their rocks off.
Eh, it was more complicated even in Christendom before 1800 or so. And conversely, lots of other cultures had sexual taboos, even very rigid ones. The Aztecs liked to impale homosexuals, for example.
Sometimes I wonder what mistranslations affect our understanding of ancient civilizations 🤔
All the chroniclers are dirty liars (or at least repeating dirty liars) anyway, so probably very little. If a word of Herodotus gets mistranslated, it would hardly be noticeable between all the crazy stories about monopeds and African tribes ruled by whoever is the hottest. He’d still be seen as a useful source on Achaemenid Persia.
If you’re referring to the impalement, one can only imagine it was supposed to be poetic, at least for male victims. It wasn’t just them, either; Christianity has a pretty typical ancient semitic view on same-sex activity, for example. I went with the Aztecs because it seemed like we were moving towards the whole “unspoiled progressive pre-Columbian America” thing, and unlike, say, medieval England there was a very specific documented punishment involved.
Was it impalement or “impalement” 🫣
Aztecs, the homoimpalers
When speaking historically, term “western” doesn’t really work that well. I genuinely can’t tell if you meant colonial Europe, England or US
Blame the west. Precontact most ppls had a pretty liberal view of sexuality
uhm…I’m absolutely certain the Puritans came from 16th century England.
I suppose your statement is technically correct but I’d argue that you actually meant “American west”, not “western world”.