I’m not taking about America. I live in a country where I don’t have to decide what is worse - the cops or the terrorists. Seeing uniformed policemen patrolling the fair had been a very calming effect, actually. It was just funny how easy it was to spot the non-uniformed ones.
cops are definitionally terrorists. they’re literally there to intimidate, to use terror, to enforce a political agenda. it’s kind of their whole thing.
also, terrorists are straight cis white dudes. pretty much always. you just hear way more all the times any one of those categories is off by one. like, I love how you said “islamic terrorists” like those are purely idealistic, but “straight white cis men with mental issues” as if they have a fucking excuse, and the things they believe aren’t culpable. that did sound pretty american.
so they don’t do so much rape with their muder? only rape and murder the right people? american police are orders of magnitude worse, but what you’ve got is still not good.
there are islamic terrorists in the americas? I call bullshit. terrorists are straight white cis men.
I’m not taking about America. I live in a country where I don’t have to decide what is worse - the cops or the terrorists. Seeing uniformed policemen patrolling the fair had been a very calming effect, actually. It was just funny how easy it was to spot the non-uniformed ones.
cops are definitionally terrorists. they’re literally there to intimidate, to use terror, to enforce a political agenda. it’s kind of their whole thing.
also, terrorists are straight cis white dudes. pretty much always. you just hear way more all the times any one of those categories is off by one. like, I love how you said “islamic terrorists” like those are purely idealistic, but “straight white cis men with mental issues” as if they have a fucking excuse, and the things they believe aren’t culpable. that did sound pretty american.
Not everywhere is America. In civilized countries, people have civilized police.
so they don’t do so much rape with their muder? only rape and murder the right people? american police are orders of magnitude worse, but what you’ve got is still not good.
WTF are you hallucinating about?
Terrorists are not limited to straight white dudes, not Europe they arent.
Of the last 10 attacks in Germany, 7 were islamist, 2 were right wing and one is inconclusive.
American defaultism at its best.
I said ‘the americas’! that’s canada to chile!
Huh. Guess i was wrong.