That summary may also explain why some men are so insecure about women earning more money than them too.
I never understood this mentality, myself.
Gamers: “I never get laid… 😩”
Also Gamers: “Women are just kitchen accessories.”
because you think of “I never get laid” as a normal human need to connect with another person, which is what it is but they’re too deep in misogyny to realize it. instead to them getting laid is a quest to complete and it involves a quest item known as a woman, not a character. so I never get laid has less of an undertone of “why can’t I connect with a woman” and more of “when will we get our government mandated sex slaves”
You might have a career as a Halo 3 e-sports pro then!
I can buy a new toaster from the shop, why can’t I buy a woman too? Does this mean Gamers are pro sex-work? Or pro indentured servitude for women more likely…
You cant pirate pussy, and we all know how gamers feel about subscription models.
my inner engineer wants to challenge this: I know there’s a dildo company that does tours, and at least copies penises and vulvae of customers as a souveneir, im sure there are things that copy at least he surface of the vaginal canal if you want to be completionist. maybe with the right kind of 3d printer it could be done? not sure, haven’t really worked with nylon materials.
“yOu WoUlDnT dOwNlOaD a cUnT.”
genuinely do not give a shit if you download mine.
kind of concerned with how it was ever digitized in the first place, but, like, once it is, you have my blessing. or curse I guess. whichever.
Nylon? I would think this would be a ‘print the moulds we use to pour in silicone’ situation, if we’re going for usability. On an engineering note I’m also sure I’ve seen this exact thing before, but I wonder what would improve it. Self-heating? DIY solution could be a hidden pocket for reusable handwarmers lol
yeah I was just kind of riffing, assuming nobody wanted to really melt down silicone in their home.
G*mers aren’t known for being smart.
yeah. all your free time is conclusions being handed to you and the illusion of agency.
and it’s not like everyone’s sitting around playing shit like ‘disco elysium’ all day.
How does romance work in most video games? Select the correct dialogue options, memorize the correct answer to questions, give them the same gift every day?
The other main way a lot of young men “interact” with women is through porn, which is always made with a mind to what a woman would enjoy during sex…/s
I understand it, but I don’t think it applies.
Gamers tend to think of things as quests. A box to check off. A completionist. Getting married and having kids is part of life’s quests for many people. It’s not seen as collaboration in many ways.
I am in mad love with this Darmok-ass comment.
Damon’s Gatsby, his glass raised
Damon? Do you mean Dicaprio?
Darmok and Jalad when the misogynist raged.
I get the meme, but I don’t know how to apply it to this post.
Could someone elaborate?
The line at the bottom, the reply to the wall of text
“Noted. misogyny is a skill issue”
always has been
Ahh, ok. Thanks. Was focusing on the body/paragraph of the text.
“Always has been”
This is part of why confidence is attractive.
It isn’t that confident humans of the male reproductive caste treat women more flippantly; it’s that actual competency correlates with not being as much of an insufferable whiny piece of shit.
Well then the obvious conclusion is that respecting women makes you better at video games.
More likely higher ranked players finally figured out that keeping harmony within your team does wonders for your chance at winning. The amount of infighting I’ve had to stop just to save my elo is insane, why would i start something just because of someone’s gender.
I don’t think that’s right, I’m terrible at games but I still respect women (enough to spare them from interacting with me whenever possible. Same goes for all people really)
Think about how bad you would be if you hated women. You’re really skill-maxing.
as a mildly misandrist lesbian with lots of obsessive crushes:
provably not. maybe there’s a bell curve?
Hate is often just a reflection of insecurities and a product of attempting to alleviate cognitive dissonance. Someone feels scared, doesn’t like feeling that way, and so converts their fear into anger – misdirected at someone else.
Balance is the key. True that fear leads to anger and anger to hatred and a path of the dark side, but the Jedi were also guilty of dealing in absolutes until they were fighting outright fascism via space capitalism and clone contracts they built killed them all.
“but behaved more submissively towards players with a male voice” I want to know what they mean by submissive
They were less confrontational and more likely to accept direction
“Given the chance, they would definitely lock lips with the dominant male”
They got into some freaky shit in those lobbies.
Appeal to authority. Higher-skilled male players got to call the shots, lead, delegate etc.
Same way you’re “submissive” to your boss
butt stuff, gotcha
I have noticed that all of these misogynists are incredibly insecure alpha-pretending males. Can’t imagine how tiring this constant fear must be.
I have ~10k hours in counterstrike across multi game versions and accounts. I noticed a similar thing over my years. The players doing well in a match were often neutral towards gamer girls, but the guy having a shit match would be the fastest sack of shit every time. Especially if one of the top fraggers pointed out they were being beaten by a girl.
Obviously there are always exceptions to any rules but in my anecdotal experience the guys who were confident in their abilities didn’t care about women but losers would attack them just for speaking.
Especially if one of the top fraggers pointed out they were being beaten by a girl.
Not really a gold star by the top player’s name for this, either. The comment alone leaves plenty of room to be interpreted as “girls should be easy to beat/poor gamers because they’re girls.”
They wouldn’t say “you’re getting beaten by a girl” as much as they would respond to the guys losing their minds who happened to be below them on the scoreboard by saying things like “Why are you yelling at her she’s playing better than you are shut up”. Kinda way.
There are definitely many competent players that will be like “haha you’re getting beaten by a girl” out there, though.
Oh absolutely
Nobody ever claimed pubstompers were good people. We pubstomp precisely because we’re not
I’m hoping this is sarcasm, otherwise that is an interesting thing to be proud of.
I’m not a misogynist but anybody who consistently scores top on a public server pretty much is a pubstomper asshole by definition. And I have certainly been that. You don’t do it for the challenge, or you’d be doing league and more competitive modes.
You’re absolutely correct, I had a similar experience
I played CS for roughly the same amount of time; my clan ranges from DMG to Global, but we had a rule that if you were in the clan, we’d 5-man with you regardless of your rank, so if you were Silver, you’d have a chance to rub elbows and learn strategies from the higher skilled players.
Then we got a Global, a girl named Moon.
Holy hell, it’s like people’s brains did a 180°, they were incredibly mean to her, for no reason, and eventually it came out that she was trans, and they bullied her even worse, out of the server.
I kicked everyone who bullied/demonized Moon for being trans; because at the end of the day, it was about being a honest human being, and not just a CS player/gamer.
Man. I miss when gungame was filled with people and all the fun addons. Warcraft 3 mods, vote for knife fight, “gotcha bitch” with every knife kill.
I want to go back.
Counter Strike was way better when this was the vibe. I am so tired of competitive this and gun case that. I’ve never been interested in 5v5 scrimming in any serious way, but that’s all CS2 wants me to do.
I want gun game, I want wc3, I want ZM. I want quirky custom maps (glass!) and quake sounds and !bet ct all. I want to fuck around with new friends on a server for an evening, not to sweat my balls off throwing practiced smokes on dust2.
I’m right there with you. I haaaaaate the direction of modern gaming.
Same thing kinda happened to TF2. I mean, Competitive is dead but the server browser and community servers are not what they used to be. I miss when it was front and center. Today most people just play casual on Valve servers.
After a quick search it seems like the CS2 in-game server browser has gone to complete shit. I hope Valve fixes it. It’s part of the Source Legacy.
And the old WCFAN (We Couldn’t Find A Name) servers, what was it called again, I think hillbreak? That was fun!
OG /gg and /surf maps.
I have ~10k hours in counterstrike
Damn. There’s 8760 hours in a year btw. That’s impressive.
If it makes you feel any better those hours were spread out over the last 10 years or longer. I can’t even remember when I started. Just one of those ol’ reliable games for me.
A tenth of a year is still 36 and 1/2 days of uninterrupted cs per anum.
And the worst part of it is that probably half of those hours happened within a few years in the middle there. I played like 6 hours a night every night with my friends. Good times but yeah…
Same feelings here, I used to average around 1k hours per year in my “active” years.
All of the issues with CS2 kinda put the end to that, played the beta, then stopped for a year, and now I play few games every few days
My heavy CS days were early in csgo days. Back when the skin gambling scene and the pro scene were popping early on. My buddies and I would watch the pro games and then get all hyped to improve and we would jump into ranked only to get fucking pub stomped. Good times. Eventually we did start getting good. I only ever got to whatever rank was below global and only two of my buddies ever got to global.
However my top fps bragging moment was actually in valorant when it was a closed beta still I absolutely shat all over pro csgo player at the time named JDM in a lobby. Top fragged and completely dominated him the entire match.
That was when I peaked in my fps gaming lol. It’s all been downhill since. I’m still better than most people at fps games in general, but I am not as sharp and snappy as I was when I was a younger man with way more free time to practice and improve every night.
Ego soothing, peacocking behavior
Obligatory footnote: EvoPsych is mostly bunk, deeply intertwined with eugenics and riddled with homophobia, sexism and rape apologia.
Traditionally, yes, but I do want to note that modern takes use it to also argue for cooperation, since working with with others is good for survival and passing on genes. They also are the first to tell people how bunk the alpha male crap is, and the fact a lone wolf is a dead wolf.
Evolutionary psychology. I think there’s real research in the field, but it’s drowned out by charlatans who invoke its name to lend credence to their made-up bullshit without the burden of scientific rigour.
My daughter wanted to wear my headset when I was playing battlefield once. It was so funny listening to those losers rage because they Were getting stomped by a 5 yr old girl. Now days she still puts it on from time to time and it’s still hilarious.
I remember the last time I got messaged by some misogynist dipshit, way back in Halo 5, blaming me for losing the game. …When he was the worst performing player in the team. I just stared at the post game report and wondered how the heck the dude even managed to get a ranking as low as he did.
Reminds me of this:
In short. The higher the social status of the woman compared to the man, the more likely the man is to sexually objectify her. Wheras women aren’t more likely to do this based on relative status.
Objectification is defined as reducing a person to solely looks and sexual function.
Similar stuff is seen in primates. Females are easier targets to assert dominance over. Since they are physically weaker. Male long tail maqacues losing their status, would seek out younger/weaker targets to establish dominance over. Something that was interesting too, is that female maqacues with more masculine facial features, were less often subjected to dominance seeking behaviour (from both males and females if I recall correctly) than females with more feminine faces.
It seems to boil down to “who can I dominate with little risk?” Female? Easy. Big male? Stupid idea. Young male? No problem. Male of equal size? Potentially.
That thing about macaques is interesting.
work to improve the skill gap or draw 20
acknowledge that one singular woman is currently better than you at this one particular skill or draw 20
man it’s like there are options that don’t involve aggression towards another person for… not being bad at a video game
I count myself lucky the men I know in real life are chill, and that I am not too interested in PvP games, scared off by the constant reinforcement from stories online that someone will be shitty to me because I am a woman. When I did play TF2 it was always pubs mic off and with a very gender-neutral username.
So my transition from cringe lord to become a better individual overall is actually just me getting better at video game? Fair enough
No, but it means you give less of a shit when you lose.