F-ZERO 99 is available today for active Nintendo Switch Online members: https://www.nintendo.com/switch/online/The F-ZERO game returns as a 99-player battle ...
Here’s your F-zero game: a battle royale where you bump into 99 people
TBH battle royale racer was already F-Zero’s niche
While you’re technically correct, the literal last thing I wanted to hear when I heard ‘F-Zero news’, the literal bottom of the barrel, was a minimum viable product using 25 year old assets that deliberately plays follow-the-leader chasing genre trends that a romhacker could’ve made.
While you’re technically correct, the literal last thing I wanted to hear when I heard ‘F-Zero news’, the literal bottom of the barrel, was a minimum viable product using 25 year old assets that deliberately plays follow-the-leader chasing genre trends that a romhacker could’ve made.
Cool. I was pretty interested in it. Hope you find something else.