Psilocybin tea, wind chimes and a tie-dye mattress await those coming to an office suite in Eugene to trip on magic mushrooms. For roughly six hours, adults over 21 can experience what many users describe as vivid geometric shapes, a loss of identity and a oneness with the universe.

Epic Healing Eugene — Oregon’s first licensed psilocybin service center — opened in June, marking the state’s unprecedented step in offering the mind-bending drug to the public. The center now has a waitlist of more than 3,000 names, including people with depression, PTSD or end-of-life dread.

No prescription or referral is needed, but proponents hope Oregon’s legalization will spark a revolution in mental health care.

  • @[email protected]
    6210 months ago

    I hope this takes off like marijuana did, I’ll happily make a trip to Oregon to go on a trip in Oregon

    • @[email protected]
      2410 months ago

      It’s also shockingly easy to grow em yourself

      Like 50 bucks of setup gardening equipment and you can get the spores shipped to your door in basically any state

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        I have a green thumb and might be able to pull this off even if they aren’t green. I assume you need substrate and controlled humidity.

        What has always stopped me is worry that someone will knock on my door asking what I’ve done with this package of spores.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Maybe if I ever get a bigger apt, I’ve looked into it in the past and never pulled the trigger

        • chaogomu
          1110 months ago

          There was (is?) a subreddit called UncleBens, where users talk about using a pouch of Uncle Ben’s microwave rice to grow mushrooms.

          Apparently, it’s the perfect growth media for low budget shroom cultivation.

          I don’t know what other things you’d need, like temperature and humidity control, and keeping everything sterile after inoculating the rice might be an issue as well. I never spent a lot of time looking at the subreddit, I just know it exists.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            Some small mason jars, a way to puncture the lids, some cheap tape, brown rice flour, and vermiculite

            Then a big plastic tub and some perlite for the fruiting chamber

            Super cheap and shockingly easy

  • Jaysyn
    10 months ago

    NGL, it’s been an absolute game-changer for my wife’s depression.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Can you tell us a bit more about your experience? Like how you felt before, your experience with the mushrooms, and how you feel now? I have been struggling with depression and ADHD forever and I feel like I’ve tried everything.

        • @[email protected]
          410 months ago

          As someone who’s spent years on and off meds, I find a yearly dose of shrooms does the brain good. For me it mostly reminds me that the universe is waaaaaay larger than myself so all the anxiety and doom-and-gloom depression I get is just fucking pointless. I can enjoy the flowers a little more, or any of the small things in life because it just…. Doesn’t fucking matter.

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      I tried this two times now, but with no luck. I was off any medication for months before the second try because I’d read that ssris can prevent the effects of mushrooms, so now I worry the effect of SSRIs may be permanent because I felt absolutely no effect besides a little nausea. Was that not a factor for your wife?

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        I didn’t really experience any effects the first half-dozen or so times I ate mushrooms. Turned out I just needed a really big dose. I was on SSRI’s for some of those early attempts, but not all of them. Obviously these weren’t exactly clinical trials, and I suspect the quality of mushrooms varied considerably. Once I finally managed to get enough of them in my system, it was an incredibly rewarding experience.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          Yeah, I guess it’s hard to know because they are variable, but others took the same or less and had a more interesting time. 4 or 5 mushed up little mushrooms in a tea.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            Idk if the mushrooms are stronger now (the cannabis sure is), but in high school a commonly-suggested dose was 2-4 grams, even up to 7 grams if one is ‘not feeling it’ sufficiently :)

    • No_
      110 months ago

      Depression vs. Funky depression?

  • @[email protected]
    1710 months ago

    Just $2800 for your first session? Or alternatively, you can grow your own and make a tie dye bedsheet for less than a hundred bucks. Recreational drugs in Oregon are decriminalized. It’s legal to grow them yourself, just not distribute for money. Yeah, I’m going to pay a licensed caretaker to watch me trip. Not.

    • @[email protected]
      1010 months ago

      I understand your sentiment completely, and likely would go about this very similarly to yourself. One thing to bear in mind is just how important programs like this can be for reframing the general perception of psychedelics for a lot of people. It being a sanctioned, “medically approved” experience can be a huge point for changing minds on this sort of thing.

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        I see your point and very much agree. This is a great milestone! However it seems like an overinflated price for the ‘experience’. For someone that can truly benefit from psychedelics, It would seem that a clinical treatment that can help someone one (ie. A person with ptsd, or trauma), could benefit from micro dosing and regular visits and experiences should have affordable access. Rather than paying such a huge amount of money for a one time ‘trip’ in a controlled setting. The costs seem extravagant as it doesn’t seem to be for the medicinal or compassionate use. Essentially, they are selling an experience at an inflated cost to users, and not offering an actual treatment. Unless you are extremely wealthy. Which is bunk in my personal opinion.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          While I agree, staff wages, administrative costs, brick and mortar costs, and then a profit margin add up very quickly. Especially if they have nurses and doctors as staff.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            Sure, those costs can affect the prices. But in Oregon, you don’t need to be a licensed doctor or nurse practitioner. Just need to pass a basic course to become certified. And if the pricing was more affordable to people that could actually benefit, then they would have a better clientele of return customers in/out their establishment that would cover their overhead.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      Just so you’re aware, it’s still not legal to grow them for yourself, or possess them or use them. It’s just that if you’re caught with them, you can only be given a fine or be required to do a drug program.

    • @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      If you’re just looking to try on your own, and not in a medical setting like what is legal. Uncle Ben’s or brf (brown rice flower) methods are the easiest way to get them. Spores can be purchased legally in a lot of places online. And there’s a lot of knowledge available on growing if you look. The worse version of lemmy ie reddit has several subs devoted to this and at least used to have safe online vendors to buy spores. There’s also some great YouTube channels, even ones that are strictly about legal mushrooms have knowledge that transfers to cubes.

      • I'm back on my BS 🤪
        210 months ago

        The worse version of lemmy ie reddit

        oh no, you did NOT just say reddit is a version of lemmy. take that back! TAKE THAT BACK!! 😭

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        Seconding this. I don’t do psychedelics anymore but Uncle Ben tek has grown me plenty of oysters and is currently working some lions mane. The technique is more or less the same and I learned from people who were focused on growing cubensis.

    • flux
      10 months ago

      Well… You you most likely will if you take more. Just make sure you are in a safe space. I’ve been spirt guide to a few people who didn’t know what that means because they had never taken enough. It can be terrifying to some so I recommend a guide who has been there before.

      • @[email protected]
        010 months ago

        Lol no I’m good. My drug days are behind me now. I’ve moved on to the prescription phase of life.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Few drugs will do it without also having an underlying sense of safety and security present.

      If you want to know what it feels like, find some 5-meo-dmt. Or smoke some nn-dmt while coming down off molly and in a safe environment.

      Personally, I found ego disolution through meditation before I found it with drugs, and I had taken some very high doses. Now I can take a much smaller dose of a tryptamine and let myself sink into that sense of safety.

      Once you trust in the process and assuming you’re in a safe space, you see how much it’s more about swt and setting, and less about the drug or dose.