According to Matthew’s gospel, Jesus used a colorful metaphor to condemn the scribes and Pharisees for scrupulously obsessing over minor points of the law like tithing their herbs, while ignoring weightier matters: “Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.” The same metaphor could describe right-libertarians’ approach to transportation policy. A...
Sounds like it’s written by someone who has no fucking idea what libertarians even support, and just tried asking r/politics what they think libertarians want. There’s a pretty big difference between new, wasteful, transit projects, and roads that already exist. Namely, that one is in the past, and is money already spent, and the other isn’t. Bad decisions in the past are hardly justification for making more bad decisions today.
Sounds like it’s written by someone who has no fucking idea what libertarians even support, and just tried asking r/politics what they think libertarians want. There’s a pretty big difference between new, wasteful, transit projects, and roads that already exist. Namely, that one is in the past, and is money already spent, and the other isn’t. Bad decisions in the past are hardly justification for making more bad decisions today.