How to take a few images and create custom graphics with Pillow - memes, info-graphics, custom banners and the like.

  • @onlinepersona
    31 year ago

    There seems to be a lot of stuff done manually like wrapping and centering text or expanding the image. There must be an easier way.

    My dumb-ass would’ve generated HTML, passed it through a controlled browser, taken a screenshot, and piped that output to a file. But as I said, there must be an easier way…

    • @riklaunimOP
      11 year ago

      Using a browser would be quite heavy, especially for one of those meme sites that handle a rather large flow of new content.

      • @onlinepersona
        11 year ago

        Possibly. You don’t need to open a new browser each time. You can change the URL of a tab or open a new tab. But yeah, it probably isn’t the best way to do it.