• @[email protected]
    8111 months ago

    Adding TV shows into the mix that were average made it too much to bother keeping up, and I haven’t watched MCU since then.

    • FoundTheVegan
      4311 months ago

      Right? Like I’m not against going to the movies for a MCU show. But it just feels like I have to do homework to catch up before I can do so.

      • @[email protected]
        2711 months ago

        They did the same shit with their comic books. All of these overarching/crossover story lines made it so you had to do research before picking up a new title.

        • @[email protected]
          1211 months ago

          Compared to Hellboy where there’s cliff notes that reference to real world myths and obscure early seeded canon. The homework isn’t necessarily; it’s interesting and fun. It hints at more going on behind the scenes that you can discover and imagine for yourself. Marvel killed too many interesting villains off the bat, replaced wonder with cliffhangers, and exposition dumped anything worth wondering about to show off how completely connected their whole universe is.

  • @[email protected]
    7411 months ago

    Were they trying to keep the movie release a secret for a reason?

    Seems like a lot of us had no idea it was coming out this weekend…

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        Wrong. It was absolutely possible. Just not possible while sacrificing absolutely everything for their profit-focused timeline. I want movies to be profitable, but most studies won’t accept anything lower than “wildly popular with opportunities for sequels and spinoffs”.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago


      I have a few Capt Marvel fans in the house and if they’d invested in any kind of pre-release promotion I would probably have gotten release weekend tickets.

      • @[email protected]
        1011 months ago

        I haven’t watched broadcast or cable TV in over a decade.

        All the MCU marketing I’ve gotten has been through hype, and after dozens of films the hype just isn’t there anymore.

        Though I think what really killed it for me was the Disney Plus shows. It started to feel like homework just to watch Marvel stuff.

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          Yeah, I watch basketball, so I see tons of movie ads still.

          And agreed, I’ve given up on MCU shows and Disney+

  • Volkditty
    7411 months ago

    I saw it today. It was fine. It’s far from “the worst movie in the MCU” like some reviews I’ve seen. And I didn’t watch Ms. Marvel or Secret War, either. Still followed the story fine (I am a casual comics fan so I’m already vaguely familiar w/ Ms. Marvel and the Kree/Skrull war, in fairness).

    Biggest contributor to the low B.O. in my opinion was the studios dragging out the writers & actors strikes and not being able to mount any publicity for the movie. I only remembered it was opening this weekend when I saw all the negative headlines about it coming out.

    • themeatbridge
      2711 months ago

      Ms. Marvel was pretty good. The villains were entirely forgettable, and some of the CG was phoned in. But the heart of the show, the main characters, and the humanity of it were all pretty good.

      • kratoz29
        2111 months ago

        The villains were entirely forgettable

        As most of the Marvel villains, sadly.

        • themeatbridge
          1111 months ago

          Ego, Killmonger, Blonsky, Loki, Thanos, Klau, Grandmaster, Zemo, they’ve had some great roles and better actors. They’ve had as many wasted opportunities as home runs, but I wouldn’t say “most.”

      • @[email protected]
        -111 months ago

        Ms. Marvel was fine, but it was, basically, a Nickelodeon kids show and most adults aren’t going to want to sit through that.

        • themeatbridge
          111 months ago

          I get what you’re saying, but there have been some excellent Nickelodeon kids shows.

    • @[email protected]
      3111 months ago

      That’s just putting a bandage on a bigger problem. They need to get rid of “the Marvel method”. Changing entire scripts in post production doesnt work anymore, Marvel isnt some small studio like in 2008.

      • @[email protected]
        1911 months ago

        I don’t understand that to begin with. They tout the whole “connected universe” angle but then if you look even slightly behind the curtain it’s obvious there’s nobody overseeing the lore between projects. Not when one is beginning while another is undergoing reshoots and rewrites. It’s not possible and it shows, just like how Tiamut has been sticking out of the ground in universe for like 2 years and all we’ve gotten is a joke reference in She-Hulk lmao.

  • @[email protected]
    5811 months ago

    Great my fucking YouTube feed is gonna be drowning in so many “go woke go broke” posts from now til the end of goddamn time thanks Disney you fucks.

    At this point they’re doing this shit on purpose to get more people voting red so they won’t ever pay taxes again ever.

    • magic_lobster_party
      1611 months ago

      It has higher user score than critics score on RT, so at least they cannot complain about biased journalists.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        I got one “Disney woke” video in my feed yesterday. Clicked “No Interest” and hope the algorhythm sorts it out.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        I use freetube which doesn’t have a algorithm so avoids that issue, and let’s you block channels from appearing in even searches.

        But, if insistent on using YouTube.com turning off watch history gets rid of recommendations and blocktube extension allows for channel blocking.

        Never had luck with don’t recommend this video to me option even though Id go out of my way to avoid visiting any of the videos posted by certain channels. They’d still after a while post the channel content in recommendations, since I guess they are highly trending.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        I’ve actually done a fair job of it but it did require erasing my entire watch history and being extremely generous with the “don’t recommend this content/channel” when it allows me to select that.

  • @[email protected]
    4211 months ago

    Can’t wait for the neckbeards to blame the show being about de wimmens as the cause rather than increasingly nonsensical oversaturation

  • @[email protected]
    4211 months ago

    I honestly believe Captain Marvel was the start of the downfall of Marvel. Not because of the cast, sex, or anything along those lines.

    I believe they over did the character. They made her way to damn strong which made all the other characters pointless.

    Remember when a literal god, the most advanced mech, and the super soldier with all the stats struggled with Thanos? Then Cpt Marvel swoops in destroys a couple of ships and takes one on the chin like nothing, that was the moment. The first movie benefitted from a month release from Endgame. Everyone thought it would have something major in it.

    The movie wasn’t horrible, it followed most of the other mediocre movies. Origin story where we meet a villain that we will never see again and some powers we will never see again. The acting and the cast were good but it was just ok.

    • Prouvaire
      2711 months ago

      I honestly believe Captain Marvel was the start of the downfall of Marvel. Not because of the cast, sex, or anything along those lines. I believe they over did the character. They made her way to damn strong which made all the other characters pointless. Remember when a literal god, the most advanced mech, and the super soldier with all the stats struggled with Thanos? Then Cpt Marvel swoops in destroys a couple of ships and takes one on the chin like nothing, that was the moment.

      I don’t understand this criticism at all.

      First of all, it was Wanda who had Thanos almost beaten, which is why he had his ship fire on the ground. So Wanda presented a greater threat to him than Captain Marvel did; so great a threat that he was willing to sacrifice his entire army to try to take her out. I think it was Feige who said, around the time of Endgame or maybe shortly thereafter, that Wanda was the most powerful character in the MCU. But people don’t criticise Wanda for being overpowered and making all the other characters pointless.

      Second of all, while Danvers did take down one ship (not two, not that it makes a difference), they could have found ways for several other characters to do the same (eg Doctor Strange via illusions, Wanda or Thor through sheer power, Iron Man through nanotech magic) - they just wanted Captain Marvel to make a big entrance because she had been teased at the end of Infinity War (and then also in her own movie prior to Endgame), and we hadn’t really seen her manifest her full power earlier in Endgame.

      But the whole point of that her late intervention in the final fight was that Captain Marvel was NOT the overpowered deus ex machina that many fans falsely deride her to be. Because in a one-on-one fight with Thanos, Thanos disposes of her easily - they trade a few punches, he throws her into the ground. She comes back, and he punches her out of frame and out of the film (until the epilogue). The final fight came down to Captain America, Thor and of course Iron Man, which it was always going to - those being the three keystone Avengers of the MCU.

      That’s also why all the founding members of the Avengers went unsnapped at the end of Infinity War. Markus and McFeely and the Russos knew they were making an Avengers movie, not a Captain Marvel movie. Markus and McFeely knew that fans would have felt rightfully betrayed if a character, who had only been introduced to the MCU a year or so before, had swooped in and saved the day after a decade-long build up. So they made sure she didn’t. But more fool them - they still cop the same criticism.

      And I say all this as someone who thinks that both Captain Marvel movies (and most of Larson’s performances in the MCU) have been decidedly mediocre, though not for any reasons related to her power level.

      • @[email protected]
        911 months ago

        Wanda wasn’t an issue because we seen her grow overtime with her power. She started off with simple tricks then demolished a large number of enemies when her brother died then showed she could hold her own against Thanos. That was a character with growth.

        Cpt Marvel never showed growth. It was overpowered from the get go. They showed her overpower Thanos as well until he blasted her into the next scene.

        But you bring up a great point, the Wanda/ Cpt Marvel sequence was a massive middle finger to anyone that wanted something great from a decade of world building. The whole female sequence was a “hey, we have strong… females too, but we don’t give a shit about them.” Most of the female characters are a joke because either they are overpowered or underpowered. Wanda is the best flushed out one. All the others are a " we had to hire them" vibe. I always believed they should have divided up the characters into different worlds for better stories.

      • @jasory
        411 months ago

        “The final fight came down to … It was always going to be”

        But there was no reason too. The problem wasn’t that they created an overpowered character who saved the day, it’s that they created an overpowered character who couldn’t save the day because the weaker popular characters had to.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      2511 months ago

      There is zero consistency in powerscaling even scene-to-scene within a single movie. I appreciate a good galaxybrain take but I think you aren’t correct here.

      Remember Strange participating in a ~5 v 1 vs Thanos and losing before going one on one and almost drawing? Absolute “conservation of ninjutsu” shit. That’s without even considering the fundamental brokenness of the Time Stone, which he never properly uses in Infinity War, but Thanos actually does use it somewhat properly to basically negate a third of the movie.

    • ringwraithfish
      1611 months ago

      I saw the movie with my kids and they really enjoyed, but I completely agree with you on all points. I stay up with all MCU releases because I enjoy them, but Captain Marvel has the same problem DC has with Superman: they’re virtually invincible. There’s no real physical struggle and therefore the fights are just eye candy with nothing really on the line.

      So now the writers have to figure out how to make them vulnerable and it’s always personal moral conflict or relationship challenges. Those can work if the writing is actually deep and developed, but not when the core expectation from audience is action and explosions. There’s just not the time to develop the story.

        • ringwraithfish
          711 months ago

          Agreed. One of the tropes I like in OPM is that he’s never called to any of the fights and only shows up for the final fight. Until then all of his friends and colleagues are fighting for their lives. They kind of did that a little with Endgame, which was a really badass moment for Captain Marvel imo.

          Maybe they could go more towards the other trope of being so powerful they’re bored, but that would be quite a bit against the grain for Captain Marvel’s character.

          I think in general audiences are just bored with the all powerful, strong moral backbone super hero. That’s why OPM, The Boys, and Invincible are popular.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        100% agree. When you have to create a new character to kill your op character, that’s just bad writing.

    • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
      1111 months ago

      Personally I was done at the scene in winter soldier where Nick Fury digs a tunnel and gets away in a cut away that takes less than a second. The movie then expected me to take it seriously after it used the narrative get out of a looney toons cartoon

    • @[email protected]
      1111 months ago

      To build on this now we also have a Super Skrull with capt Marvel’s powers and those of a several other superheros/villains.

      (Or was I the only one able to make it through Secret Invasion?)

      Also, I never watched the Ms. Marvel show, so I have absolutely no opinion or frame of reference for that now supposedly marquee character so I’m just not all that drawn to watching it. Plus… super hero fatigue

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        Pretty sure you and maybe one other person made it through secret invasion.

        Ms. Marvel was fine but it felt like a Disney XD show and not part of the MCU of the last decade. I’m still fine with that. You need younger people to watch and not just older ones. Fox did a lot of ahit wrong but the one thing that was great was Logan. It dealt with serious shit and was more realistic. Not like Deadpool which was dick and fart jokes with violence.

        I would still love a dark marvel. More realistic and violent with serious stories. A light marvel for younger kids and families. Last an Average marvel, the big over the top combination where nothing really matters.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        Ms. Marvel was good, you should give it a go if you have the chance. I agree it felt a little …how do I put this…for the kids(?)…but it’s heart was absolutely in the right place and it made this straight old white guy feel things, which is always the mark of a good story in my humble opinion.

  • Majin Boowomp
    4011 months ago

    @neme I remember the advertising for The Marvels was pretty bad. You had commercials that felt like advertisements for the Marvel Cinematic Universe in general. One ad I got was like “Remember when Tony Stark built his first suit and became Iron Man? The Marvels, in theaters this November”

    • FlumPHP
      1211 months ago

      I think I saw one trailer months ago that I looked up on YouTube. I’m pretty sure I never saw an actual ad for it. The first I heard it was out this weekend is articles like this. Doesn’t that lack of advertising usually mean the studio has already written it off?

  • @[email protected]
    3411 months ago

    Haven’t seen the new movie. Even though it was panned I liked the first.

    The biggest issue is just Marvel OVERLOAD in general, people are finally starting to get tired of it.

    We’ve had so much Marvel for so long. People are just losing interest in general.

    • @[email protected]
      3011 months ago

      The movies have also significantly declined in terms of quality as well. I’m still not convinced super hero fatigue, or something similar, is actually a thing. If you start serving up crap people stop coming.

    • @[email protected]
      2011 months ago

      No. I wish people would stop repeating this marvel overload/fatigue idea - I’m not convinced it’s a thing respectfully. The truth is, lately Disney has been pumping out a lot of mediocre content. A good story is a good story, period. This movie was not really good, and it required someone to have watched a bunch of other not-great Disney+ shows.

      Marvel has sooo many good stories and content they can dig up from their comics, but ultimately the business side of picking the content and shaping it for maximum profitability is sort of where shit gets weird. One theory is little kids want to go to the movies and make the parent bring them, so the movies are produced (catered) with that goal in mind.

      Rather than marvel/superhero fatigue, I think it’s more of Disney dropping the ball (like they did with the star wars movies, inb4 they made billions, we all know the movies sucked).

      Post infinity war, my opinion is This entire parallel worlds/timelines/dimensions storyline is a bit confusing on what exactly the endgame plan is

      • @[email protected]
        1511 months ago

        It is absolutely true for me, and the people saying it aren’t making it up.

        You hear it so often because those people believe it. And there are a lot of people saying it.

        I know you’re a super fan that wants ALL your stories. But you don’t make up the movie watching population.

        • @[email protected]
          911 months ago

          Nah if it was good content people wouldn’t care. If it was truly “superhero fatigue” Invincible wouldn’t be anywhere near as popular as it is. It came out in a post-Endgame world and is one of the biggest shows on television.

          People will clearly happily still watch super hero content, IF it’s good.

      • @[email protected]
        811 months ago

        Everyone has different thresholds I imagine, I got tired of the marvel universe after iron man 2 personally.

    • @[email protected]
      1911 months ago

      The issue I think is the crossovers. This movie requires you to have seen Captain Marvel, Wanda vision and miss marvel. They need to go back to making movies of a single character and doing a crossover movie every once in a while. I love the MCU but I’m already skipping movies and shows, so I don’t wanna watch a movie and not have any idea who the characters in seeing are

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    Are these newer movies really that much worse in general or has the audience just finally gotten tired of the entire MCU? I saw every single one up until the second Spider-Man flick and many of them were just sort of lame. Movies like Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel and Black Panther and the Ant-Man movies which all released in the MCU’s most dominant period leading up to and in between the Thanos movies were pretty bad and they still made a lot of bank.

    I watched all those mid movies because I was invested in the shared continuity and wanted to see the different branches of the universe collide with each other. When they finally did, that investment just kind of dissipated, but I think the final nail in the coffin for me was when they announced the Disney+ Marvel shows at which point it just became too much of a time commitment to keep up with.

    • @[email protected]
      1111 months ago

      It just depends on the movie. A good superhero movie will still pull more money than anyone can spend in a lifetime.

      All of the articles are about a movie that wasn’t promoted at all, and it’s the sequel to a movie that didn’t do good anyways. There’s zero surprise to anyone with a level head. It’s all clickbait rage bs.

      • JackbyDev
        711 months ago

        I go to A LOT of movies. I have the AMC A List thing so I try to go every week. I have not seen a SINGLE trailer for The Marvels.

          • JackbyDev
            211 months ago

            I was about to ask why airing trailers was against strikes but then it occurred to me that writers are probably still involved in trailers technically lol.

      811 months ago

      They’re bad. Multiverse of Madness was alright. The Spider-Man movies are pretty fun. Everything else since Endgame has been utter shit, though I will say the end of Loki season 2 gave Loki a great “out” as a character, despite being dumb for two seasons, and its a shame they’ll definitely not just let him go.

    • PeludoPorFavor [he/him]
      611 months ago

      its a double edged sword, re: shows.

      like on the one hand, i think if they had just done spin-offs, people could decide what they were into or not. but on the other hand, they NEED to have everything tied deeply together, or else no one but the actual die-hards would actually watch the shows.

      like it was so frustrating watching the third Guardians movie (snuck into the theatre screening, didn’t pay for that shit), and literally was like ‘who the fuck is that?’ ‘i thought that person died’ ‘etc’. and it’s like… oh right, didn’t watch this or that season of this or that show, or special or whatever.

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      I only watched until iron man 3 but for me personally the military propaganda was always way too strong in these movies to get into them.

  • TheBroodian [none/use name]
    2811 months ago

    I wouldn’t personally say that it has anything to do with fatigue or oversaturation. I think the reality of it is that the majority of these movies have no heart, feeling, or direction. The obvious counter example to this trend is the Guardians of the Galaxy films, all of which are dripping with heart and are obviously thoughtfully crafted, and are all around good moving despite being in the MCU. If this universe of films were all given the same amount of care and thought as those films, I think they would all be successful. But alas, capitalism.

    • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
      11 months ago

      I think the fatigue is a product of the fact they have no heart or feeling

      irony is fun and all but ultimately people want sincerity. Irony and wit are like icing people like them but there has to be something more substantial there or you just walk away feeling unsatisfied and slightly sick

      Terry Pratchett’s work is a good example of how this can work he’s very ironic and uses a lot of witicisms but underneath it all there is a clear depth of feeling and the books are also full of profound and sincere statements and moments

    • Bakkoda
      11 months ago

      My buddy always summed these movies up as cheeseburgers. Everyone loves a cheeseburger but no one really wants one at every meal.

  • @[email protected]
    2511 months ago

    I actually had no idea this was out already. I’ve been watching Loki. It really seems like they should have spaced these further apart.

  • @[email protected]
    2411 months ago

    I don’t even want to go see a good Marvel movie in the theater. I’m certainly not going to go watch some mid bs.

    • Chariotwheel
      1411 months ago

      Last time I did it was for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and honesrly, I’ve seen Everything Everywhere all At Once before that and I was shocked how lame Dr Strange wad in comparison with the idea of the multiverse.