It released almost a ton of CO2.

  • @[email protected]
    4510 months ago

    Ok i agree totally with the Elon hate, but sometimes you need to take a plane to the airport next door for maintenance or something. They can’t just throw it on a truck and drive it over there.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        I wonder if there was a semi-private commercial airline if it would be popular. Like more expensive than business class, but you still share with like 20-30 other people.

        The problem might be that it needs to have destination that are popular amongst that group of people and enough to fill it. So you end up with three lines…

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            I know about time sharing a private jet (or simply renting one). I was looking for something between first class and private. Like you still get 1, 2, 4 seats and share the rest. AFAIK you get the whole plane to yourself if you time share.

      • Anyone can file legal process. Need to survive motions to strike and summary judgment before you say he followed through. I think it’s going to get tossed within a few weeks.

      • Cosmicomical
        010 months ago

        Yes but if all the 100s of passengers had private jets, there would be 100s of extra flights. This argument is apologist nonsense

    • @[email protected]OP
      510 months ago

      Fair point, but why fly to Pflugerville in the first place? He could have flown directly from Brownsville to Austin and drove to Pflugerville.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Austin executive is a really nice airport? Not sure really but likely the plane needed work and they scheduled with someone there, or they picked someone up or something. Could be anything.

  • @[email protected]
    3510 months ago

    It’s OK. He’s going to save humanity and settle the stars by … ah … killing hundreds of idiots who think he can actually get them to Mars.

    • Flying Squid
      510 months ago

      I wonder when people are going to start to notice once the Mars flights start that he never seems to be on any of them?

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago

        You make it sound like you believe that Mars flights will ever start! 😜

        He’s a grifter. Everything he says and does is a grift. There won’t ever be a Mars flight. The Mars flight crap is there so that his starry-eyed youngster engineers will kill themselves working toward that grand vision so he has a launch vehicle to pollute LEO with Starlink crap.

        • Flying Squid
          110 months ago

          The only reason I think they might start is that Gwen Shotwell is doing a pretty good job keeping him away from anything important at SpaceX. But I can’t help but notice that even though SpaceX is taking people into orbit, he doesn’t seem to volunteer. You’d think he would want to know what weightlessness is like if he’s planning on getting his ass to Mars.

          • @[email protected]
            310 months ago

            The technological hurdles that have to be cleared to send a manned mission to Mars are not currently surmountable by any institution, government or private, on the planet. We’re not even talking about colonizing here, just sending humans to Mars at all is currently fantasy with any technology that anybody on the planet has.

            SpaceX will be bankrupted by the antics of Space Karen (a.k.a. Apartheid Edgelord) long before the first manned mission of any size makes it to Mars.

    • @[email protected]
      1810 months ago

      Absolutely and that’s how chemistry works, basically you take some hydrocarbons(a bunch of H and C) and you add oxygens to them. I know it is weird to think of burning this way because you see the thing burnt disappear but remember that mass cannot be created or destroyed. Burning is really just adding two masses together and getting some waste heat in the process. What is left over from the process is going to be the weight of both the mass and it takes a lot of oxygen to burn jet fuel. Hence why the missions weigh so much more than the jet fuel.

    • @towerful
      210 months ago

      I imagine it includes the extraction, processing and delivery of the fuel?

      From a rudimentary chemistry understanding, changing a lighter hydrogen atom for a heavier oxygen atom (burning hydrocarbon -> H2O + CO2) will increase the mass. I dunno how applicable that is in the real world tho

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        The atoms themselves aren’t changing, you’d have to do fusion or fission for that. It’s the molecules that are changing.

        • @towerful
          110 months ago

          I meant “swapping” a hydrogen atom for an oxygen atom within a molecule as part of the chemical reaction of combustion.
          I didn’t explain it well, tho

  • BruceTwarzen
    110 months ago

    That’s why you need to buy his shitty cars, so he can save the planet.