Any games, module, intersting experiments?

    1 year ago

    Ugh, too many things.

    Mostly I want to finally try running something with my homebrew Dragon Teeth, which is basically a very pared-down and generalized version of D&D 5E with significantly different magic rules.

    But what setting and adventure to run? There are too many that interest me, and gamer-attention-deficit makes it tough to focus on getting one ready for play. They include:

    Tomb World / Sepulcral Realm - Basically a world where undead have monopolized all resources and the living are rare and have an increasingly difficult existence. To the point that they can’t gain enough food to sustain themselves.

    • This is the closest I have to running something. An adventure maybe 1/3 written about a community caught between bad luck and an inflexible contract.

    Dark Sun - Nothing written, but an idea that has been stuck in my brain for years about convict-laborers sent on an archeological mission by a Sorcerer Queen trying to unearth something to weaken the position of a fellow monarch.

    Space horror - Various Mothership and similar published scenarios that’d be interesting to try.

    Astral voyage - Have some ideas about fantasy and/or sci-fi adventures traveling through Astral space on various mundane or transcendent errands. But nothing concrete unfortunately. Kind of intended to finally make use of my Astral Navigator’s Handbook.

    Also a few other slightly more traditional pre-published fantasy adventures/worlds.

      1 year ago

      Test I frickin love GURPS Ice Age supplement. But never have run it for two reasons:

      1. After years of consideration I’ve come to the conclusion that I just don’t particularly like GURPS as a system.
      2. I can never think of stone age scenarios that feel compelling in my mind. Not sure what quality would quite seem satisfying.

      But still have some fascination with a dawn of humanity type setting.