On my search i found SQLPad, but its a legacy project in maintenance mode, so you may know something better? (An container with both Database System and integraded Webgui would also work, as long its an classic sql language - but i don’t know if something like this even exists besides phpmyadmin desktop version - and while writing this i noticed that there exist also a container for this one 😂 - but you may know a insider tip?)
Sure. Check this one https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/latest/container_deployment.html
Why do you want to use a web sql interface? Imo even the fancy proprietary offerings of companies like snowflake and databricks aren’t that great.
Better to use a regular database query tool like dbeaver https://dbeaver.io or datagrip https://www.jetbrains.com/datagrip/
But you can run PostgreSQL in docker https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres/. Looks like there’s a web ui tool also but never used it https://postgresqlstudio.org
I think dbgate supports running in a container
Adminer was my choice in some old projects, haven’t touched much new web dev in past few years.
I can’t attest to any of these but there are a few tools on this list that look to fit your request.