Is it possible to create my own programm-sequences for LEGO BOOST MOCs on Windows PC?
Is there an APP for Windows, which I can use to connect?
Or is it just possible with smartphone/tablet? If yes: Which App can I use instead of the LEGO BOOST App? (because the LEGO BOOST App is just for the 5 plans from Lego and there is no creative mode)
Logo boost app on the MS store, so I imagine answer is yes. But I’ve not done anything with boost.
Johny 5 is alive!
Great - thank for the Info. I will try this, because the old Tablet has not enough space.
Maybe you could use pybricks (for coding in pythona as the name suggests)? It seems to flash the brick with new firmware but according to them it’s easy to restore.
I personally don’t have a BOOST but instead an ev3. For my beloved ev3 I’ve been using ev3dev, which runs Linux on the ev3 brick. But from what I know the BOOST barely has any processing power of its own so something like that would (probably) not be possible for the BOOST.
Yep! Most Lego devices will run Python, and you can code in Python on Windows, Mac or Linux.
Johnny 5 not alive? ):
Johnny 5 a bit boring just doing the standard stuff.
I don’t know unfortunately, hope someone can help!
No dissemble!
Ok. I got it. It’s the LEGO POWERED UP App where Boost Hub and Funktions are included. It works for Android. For Windows there is an similar App from the fanbase, which I haven’t testet yet.