• Cyborganism
    455 months ago

    Nothing wrong with +5°C in early February in Canada, also.

    It’s been so warm this winter up here in Montreal, the temperature was around 10-15°C up until late November. We had one major snowfall which melted immediately. Then another snowfall in early January that kind of stuck around but with alternating warm-cold weather with rain, everything kind of just half melted and froze then turned into slush and froze again.

    We can’t do any winter activities because it’s either too warm to have ice skating rinks, or there’s not enough snow to ski or for tobogganing. Even walking outside is dangerous because of how slippery or wet everything is.

    • Black_Char
      195 months ago

      I live in NY and was just thinking about how it used to snow once a week when I was a kid, that was 20 years ago. I watched Planes, Trains, and Automobiles with Steve Martin and John Candy the other day and they were dealing with a Blizzard in Novemeber.
      I’ve barley had to put on a coat this year. Feels like I’m going crazy that it’s already February and like you said there’s been 1 real snow fall and it was gone within a couple days.

      • Cyborganism
        95 months ago

        I know!!! A friend of mine went to New York just last week and he was wearing only a sweater. I couldn’t believe it.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Fuck yeah it’s been weird up in the border area. It’s 60 F (15 C) today in Detroit Metro area. Light jacket weather. In February. The fuck.

      Usually at this point we would’ve had quite a few snow storms. We’ve had two. The second of those was a rain/snow mix type shitstorm.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    It’s also an el nino year which generally have warmer winters. If it flips to la nina next year we will likely have more extreme winter events in North America like the last few years. We’re likely to alternate between very extreme hot and cold weather events every few years because of the ENSO cycle and global warming.

  • Gormadt
    185 months ago

    It was in the 50s and and 60s last month in the Portland - Vancouver Metro area except for 1 week where it was in the teens

    It’s supposed to be way colder than that

    Hell a century ago the Columbia River froze over, it hasn’t been even remotely close to that in a long fuckin time

    • Montagge
      115 months ago

      You’re telling me it’s not normal to swing from 20 below average to 20 above average in a climate that’s supposed to be fairly stable due to the nearby ocean?

      • Gormadt
        5 months ago

        When I was a kid it wasn’t uncommon to get out first days of below freezing weather in October

        Last October I wore a sweater only a couple times (edit: by only a couple times I mean it was so warm I was wearing a T-shirt the rest of the month)

        This year it’s barely dipped below freezing except for the week we had an ice strom this year

        Until I was about 7 it was common to get snow before Christmas and often times as early as Thanksgiving

        Nowadays the song “White Christmas” does feel like a dream of a bygone era

  • Destroyer of Worlds 3000
    105 months ago

    There was a tornado in Oceano, CA a few days ago. A small one, but there have a been a couple others in recent years. So thats a new, fun thing to prepare for.

  • @spread
    5 months ago

    We’re already hitting 17°C (62°f) in central Europe this week. These are the usual april/may temps. Can’t wait for the summer. 🔥

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Saw a storm chaser on the side of the road looking around at the sky while on his cell phone a couple days ago here in Iowa and I’ve been eyeballing the sky ever since.

  • @[email protected]
    75 months ago

    Weather is getting weird af where I live. This winter the snow only settled mid december, which is kinda scary, because it was supposed to do so 1-2 months before. After that temperatures are mostly the usual -15°C to -25°C, but occasionally there are 2-3 days where it is up to +5°C and super windy and then it comes back to normal, except everything becomes covered in a thick layer of super smooth ice, it sucks.

  • @[email protected]
    55 months ago

    I can comfortably ride a motorcycle in February…granted I’m in Texas but even here it normally is quite cold around this time and instead we have 75° days.

    I can’t wait to move back wayyyyyy the fuck North.

  • Mom Nom Mom
    55 months ago

    I know it was up to just about 60°(f) yesterday in my area. I didn’t take the sirens very seriously, but 59° after a week in the 20s and 30s - I guess it does make sense. (After a week of way lower temps too)

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    There was a tornado on the east side of San Diego a few days ago too. Not to mention the insane amount of rain