• @[email protected]
    -825 months ago

    US government literally told the public through his current ceo that by aiding ukraine USA is fighting russia without getting his hands dirty. That’s one way to stab people in the back.

    Don’t feed up on the propaganda that producing more weapons and sending them to another authoritarian government is a good thing. Governments do that out of convenience, they don’t care about people, they stab on the back their own daily.

    • Dremor
      5 months ago

      Problem is that the only two other options is to either turn a blind eye on what looked like the start of a genocide, or having two nuclear power at open war.

      Abandon Ukraine means it put its own wellfare above human rights, in which case Putin would be right to despise the West.

      Go at war with Russia would put humanity on risk of annihilation as both side has enough nuclear weapons to wipe it out. Multiple times.

      Having the Ukrainian choose their destiny by defending their land, while not ideal, is the only option that the West have to stay true to its ideals. The West populations are not blind to their sacrifices, and as long as they are willing to fight for their rightful territory, so are the West to provide the means to do so.

      • @[email protected]
        -125 months ago

        There’s plenty of options such as not trying to conquer the world and waging proxy wars against other nations or as putting money before human lives. The whole west governments gang is supporting genocide in gaza right now, they don’t give a shit about people. They profit on wars and seek more of it.

        • @meowgenau
          125 months ago

          such as not trying to conquer the world

          Imagine being so deluded as to try to frame the largest country on earth, Russia, as the victim here. How, according to your world view, have they become so big? Did the now-Russian ethnic minorities simply surrender their lands to be taken over by some Slavs in Moscow?

          Honestly, you need to have a 10 minute conversation with a Russian to understand how utterly brainwashed they are. The majority of the Russians are rooting for an imperialist fashist.

          • @[email protected]
            -25 months ago

            Imagine being so deluded as to try to frame the largest country on earth, Russia, as the victim here

            indeed, why are you doing it? If you believe anyone pointing out facts is defending russia you are brainwashed on propaganda.

            • @meowgenau
              25 months ago

              Shitty opinions are not facts.

              • @[email protected]
                5 months ago

                That governments uses tax money to build weapons designed to invade other countries is a fact. Look at what russia and israel are doing right now and what usa has been doing for the past decades. Politicians ambitions are below anyone nose to see, unless you are naive enough to drink into their lies and believe that ukraine need to be denazificated, that everyone in gaza is hamas and that iraq has weapons of mass destruction.

        • @[email protected]
          65 months ago

          Care to explain how the US is currently trying to conquer the world when they are at their least imperialistic point in history? NATO isn’t an answer, NATO membership is requested by the member country, not forced by NATO (or the US)

    • @[email protected]
      1985 months ago

      As yes, Biden who famously blocks aid to Ukraine and openly talks about throwing US allies to Russia

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        As the leader of a country the president is ultimately responsable and represents the actions of the country.

        Trump has been out of office for 4 years…

        • PonyOfWar
          1325 months ago

          How exactly is Biden responsible for Republicans blocking any Ukraine aid that he’s trying to get through congress?

          • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
            15 months ago

            That person isn’t interested in actual conversation, only in spreading divisive nonsense. I doubt they even understand how the government works.

        • @[email protected]
          775 months ago

          Congress, how does it work again…

          Perhaps read up on how the US constitution actually works.

          • @[email protected]
            45 months ago

            They’d have no idea what they’re reading. They just go with what fox “news” tells them. They’re told what to fear, what to be angry about and how to feel. They’re pawns and they’ll lick the dogshit off their boots.

        • @[email protected]
          385 months ago

          And yet is still somehow managing to do damage to the reputation of the US. Nobody is disputing the fact that Biden is the head of state or that Trump has been out for four years. It’s simply not relevant, mate. The problems with getting aid to Ukraine right now are not coming from Biden and it’s crazy to suggest he’s responsible for the actions of his opposition.

        • ThenThreeMore
          355 months ago

          American’s don’t have a parliamentary system. The president can exist without the support of the houses. When that happens, like now, what the president can do is severely limited.

        • @[email protected]
          315 months ago

          Are you just here to be a punching bag for anyone on the left? If so, you’re doing a bang-up job, champ

          • @[email protected]
            -795 months ago

            No, I have no real investment in the American political system. I was pointing out the satire in the original photo was misplaced. As people have demonstrated in this conversation most of the interactions have made massive assumptions about why i made my comments rather then addressing my comment.

            • @[email protected]
              575 months ago

              the satire in the original photo was misplaced

              Perhaps you’re not aware of the concept of synecdoche,, where one part of something is used as a representative of the thing as a whole. You saw the float and said that it had nothing to do with trump (vaguely true despite the fact that many of his party still answer his beck and call), whereas the float has “republikaner” written on it, which despite not speaking German I can only assume means “republican”. So basically the float is depicting the republican party at large killing Ukraine, despite the fact that there are only two people shown.

              • @drcobaltjedi
                335 months ago

                This float is far from anything even remotely close to “subtle”, and yet that guy still couldn’t understand the float. I’d say media literacy is abismal but at this point it’s just reading.

                • @[email protected]
                  65 months ago

                  I think it means Republicans, plural, as in not only Trump. Which is an important distinction imo. Trump is just used as an example.

            • @[email protected]
              365 months ago

              Well you made some irrelevant statements about who’s president and then suggested changing the satirical image so that it would no longer make sense. It seems pretty well placed to me and doesn’t need to be changed given that it’s attacking the group of people currently withholding US aid to Ukraine. Not sure what conclusions you were expecting people to make based on your comments.

    • Ashy
      5 months ago

      But Trump’s not president

      And this float isn’t about the president. It’s about republicans (represented by Trump) attacking Ukraine aid in the House. Biden is not a republican.

    • RubberDuck
      5 months ago

      No, trump has gotten his house lackeys to stop any bill that gets aid to Ukranians. Purposefully misrepresenting what is going on is very MAGA SVR of you.

      And the fact republicans take their marching orders from citizen trump just shows how far gone they are.