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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Yeah I really want to see the numbers on this.

    It seems to be a absolute breaking issue for them, suggesting a actual noticeable delay. So it should at least be one frame (on 60hz display) of additional latency compared to x11. Especially since there is earlier work Using a Click based measurement setup showing no such delay.

  • Cirk2toLinuxWayland Cursor Lag: A (somewhat long) rant
    1 month ago

    The pi is either emitting a mouse move or detecting one on the physical device and measuring the time that passes until the photo diode/resistor (not an led) is detecting the cursor to move away.

    It’s essentially the same setup you would use to detect input to photon latency if you don’t have a high speed camera.

    Edit: Ah no there’s another setup with a pi pico in there… Yeah it’s binding and LED Lighting up to a button press to have two visual indicators (LED and Cursor Reaction) you can measure using a high speed camera. Them only having a 90fps phone camera makes it means the measurements are only in 11ms increments though.

  • Most of the stuff on GoG should fit the bill. You still can use it as a website to shop for a game and get a installer exe for it. Without any additional launcher.

    As far as documented network go, I’ve never seen more than games listing a couple of ports for servers, never anything like ips or actual network protocol descriptions. I guess anything with user hostable dedicated servers should be fine.

    Problem is that those old games have very low online population, so I’m not entirely sure how much “casual comraderie” you’ll find.

  • That’s an interesting approach. The Traditional way would be to go by game score like the AI Mario Projects. But I can see the value in prioritizing Bullet Avoidance over pure score.

    Does your training Environment Model that shooting at enemies (eventually) makes them stop spitting out bullets? I also would assume that total survival time is a part of the score, otherwise the Boss would just be a loosing game score wise.

  • Cirk2toProgramming*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Bringing more modern tools and features to existing large code bases is “destroying his reputation”? Bjarne and the committee is constantly extending and modernizing a language with code bases older than me. Yes that means the old stuff has to be kept around but that is the price of allowing existing code to migrate gracefully instead of just throwing it out of the window. There is a problem with some missing rails to enforce current and saver techniques but Bjarne is not denying that.

  • So the HDMI founders are Philips, Panasonic, Sony and Toshiba Known for their Players and in part TVs. The HDMI Forums consists of the rest of the TV Manufacturers and the big names in component Making (Analog Devices, NXP, Realtek, Qualcomm, etc.). So they are all members of a cooperation dedicated to “encouraging and promoting the adoption and widespread utilization of its Final Specifications”. I hesitate to call their decisions on connectivity options unencumbered by interests.

    oh btw: Anti-Trust does not require to there be no competing offer, just vast majority of market share.

  • That is the mindset that gives us text editors using 100% cpu to blink a cursor because their css triggers a bug in the web browser they ship to render the text editor.

    You can be memory save without shipping a whole browser, but disregarding power and memory efficiency will just make performance gained by hardware evaporate in overhead.