I don’t see any legal or legislative way out of the mess we’re in when the current government (and about a third of the country) doesn’t believe in the law or the rules of legislation, and the so-called “opposition” party is weak and feckless at best, and complicit at worst. We either either get our hands dirty or have a civil war. I’m open to ideas that don’t involve wither one. but I can’t think of any.
Sorry, I should’ve been more clear. I meant a legal or legislative way out that’s realistic. Even when we had the numbers to impeach Trump twice, we still didn’t have the numbers (two thirds) to convict him and remove him from office. The Schumer-Pelosi gang of octogenarian Dems isn’t going to control Congress with those numbers ever again. It’ll be at least a generation before the Democratic party has that kind of power (if it ever happens), and Trump will be long in the ground by then.
There are two ways to ratify a Constitutional amendment. The first way is to get two thirds of both the House and Senate to vote in favor of the amendment, and then to ratify it you need three quarters of all state legislatures to approve it without changing the wording, otherwise the whole process starts over. The second way is to have two thirds of all states petition Congress for a Constitutional convention (34 states), and again have three quarters of all states approve of the amendment word-for-word (38 states). No amendment has ever been approved by the second method.
For perspective, in the 111th Congress of 2009 following Obama’s historic crushing win against McCain, the House was 255-D and 179-R, and the Senate was 57-D, 41-R, and 2-I (who caucused with Dems). This was the strongest the Dems had been since the 90s. To get a Constitutional amendment passed and ratified in 2009, Democrats would’ve had to convince 33 Republican Representatives and 9 Republican Senators to vote in favor of an amendment, and then assuming that every single Democratic state legislature is 100% on board, they’d have to pray that all 8 split legislature states and at least 3 Republican state legislatures approve it for ratification without changing a single word.**
For even more historical perspective, the last time Democrats controlled enough of Congress and state legislatures to theoretically pass and ratify a Constitutional amendment without any Republican support was between 1937 and 1939, and they still didn’t do it (though they did get a ton of New Deal stuff done).
Nothing would make me happier than for the midterms to turn into an alcoholic moment of clarity for the American working class, where “we the people” finally sober up and vote every one of these feckless do-nothing weakling scumbags out, and elect people who will impeach and convict Trump and all his cronies, and amend or straight up rewrite the Constitution to enshrine laws in favor of the people, instead of the monied class. It’s just not realistic.
I agree. You can’t fix the system with dirty tricks. But you can crush Fascists with dirty tricks. It’s not ideal, but it may be the only way to get them out. But like I said, coming back from that is the hard part. Once people in power get used to playing dirty, they never willingly stop. They have to be stopped.
**someone check my numbers in this paragraph, it’s 4am and I may not be mathing properly