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Do I get any kind of points for thinking Tesla sucked before all the political windshift relating to Musk?
I’ve said from jumpstreet that, at best, Tesla is like the Apple of the car world:
Model releases considered “cool” for the first year or so, because it’s a way to flex on the plebs.
Pretty soon everybody and their mom has one and the design isn’t very remarkable in and of itself. Therefore the iPhone becomes the basic bitch phone, and the Tesla becomes the basic bitch vehicle.
Overpriced relative to similar performing products.
Horribly invasive sensors, bad data privacy, and generalized ecosystem.
I test drove a couple of Teslas way back in the day. You know what the big selling point was? The “Easter egg” that shows the surface of Mars on the GPS. Oh, and the James Bond Lotus one. It was at that point that I realized this was not a serious company, and it was run by a dork ass 4Chan edgelord.
Oh it’s why I bought a Chevy Bolt EUV. A way better car for less money. Teslas suck in the electric car world. They opened everyone’s eyes to the possibilities. But that’s it. It’s no longer the only option.
Indeed and that is why we chose a Nissan Leaf with zero issues for 6 years.
EUV gang represent.
What’s the U for?
I have a Bolt sitting in my driveway, but I use my E-bike more than the Bolt.
I think its Electric Utility Vehicle. I could be wrong
Utility. Its just a slightly larger Bolt tbh.
I would say its worse than Apple in those regards. At least Apple’s hardware, though way overpriced, is decently made. I don’t think anyone in the world ever said that about Tesla.
You’re holding it wrong or it’s normal it gets so hot just don’t use it too much. Lol decently made.
I was mostly talking about build quality. It doesn’t just fall apart when you touch/use it like intended. About overheating, I wouldn’t have a clue. I would never buy or use an Apple device if i can help it
I thought the cars were mediocre at best and overpriced. The more I learned the less i liked them.
- Primary door function being completely electronic with a warning that using the manual release could damage the car.
- Proprietary navigation, so traffic data only comes from other Tesla’s.
- Lack of lidar, which has been the standard for accident avoidance tech since forever.
Primary door function being completely electronic with a warning that using the manual release could damage the car
That’s one of the things that was completely baffling to me. It’s really changing a model that was established, functional, tried and tested, just for the sake of appearing cool and with no regard at all for the drawbacks (which kind of sums up Tesla engineering, I suppose).
Like for toy cars that’s fine. But we need people’s evs. I want a dependable, easy to use and maintain hatchback at a good price and ideally union made. Stuff like heated seats would be nice, but ultimately I don’t care to have a fancy tech mobile. That said android auto is something I want.
Those weird doors are stupid. Everything like that just adds cost and maintenance at low value to the everyday user
I hate Apple and always thought Musk was a tool. But, apple products are better than Tesla products. Apple is still overpriced as shit, and has bullshit gatekeeping, but they make solid products, you have to give them that.
Tesla on the other hand always had absolute shit build quality.
People kept circle jercking about how great the software was, but it always thought it was idiotic.
Not having physical buttons / handles is beyond insane to me and I could never buy a car that made me jump through hoops to fucking raise the temp in the car.
Then there’s autopilot, people were raving about that, but again, are you going to trust your life to a company that can’t even get two body panels to match properly?
I’m for advancement and every tech has its growing pains, but musk was always a piece of shit, and Tesla’s mission never seemed to be “make the best car for the consumer”, it was always “what fun shit does the man child want us to play on today?”
I took an uber home from a concert and the dude was trying to show off his self driving Tesla and I am POSITIVE my drunk ass would have driven better.
It was terrifying.
I once called an Uber and ended up asking him to crash on my couch because he was far drunker than we were when we asked him to pick us up at the bar.
I love this
I remember Tesla having decent looks compared to the other fugly electric cars at the time. The hybrids weren’t terrible like the Prius but they all had that “look”
I’m pretty sure most of those companies made their electric/hybrid options intentionally ugly. That way they could point at the statistics and say “See governments, nobody wants electric!”
And then they turned into squished ugly matchbox cars. Fitting for developmentally arrested CEO.
Yes, here is some Lemmy Points that will only apply to this comment and nowhere else :)
I’ll give you points if I get some too. Have been hating on Tesla since I graduated college and started working in silicon valley. Learned very quickly that every single engineer hates Musk and that Tesla was an awful company to work for.
I interviewed with them once and all my friends in the field were telling me not to. They basically stack their entire company with H1 visa slaves, pay them half of what non H1 employees would get, and work them to death because their visa is tied to their employer.
This is common practice in silicon valley but Tesla really took it to another level. So I’ve been hating them since I graduated in 2015.
“It’s half the price, but has better specs 🤨”
Basically anyone going from USA (made in china) product to Chinese (made in china) product
Easier to convince all those manly men to switch from boxer briefs to g-strings than to switch from their F-150s to Teslas.
I thought they already switched to diapers?
Well said! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Red states overall don’t have a high enough average income for people to afford enough Teslas to make it worthwhile to open stores/dealerships there.
Yup, scarce population and welfare states, they would benefit from a national infrastructure program they seem so opposed to.
They’ve basically got the Starbucks problem going except for their customers. Starbucks hired progressive college students for their staff and were shocked when unions started popping up. If a brand targets conscientious people, they’re not going to get a single conservative.
Kinda reminds me of illuminaughtii. The youtuber that built her brand on exposing abusive corporations and scammers and then inadvertently killed her own channel by being an abusive POS and unintentionally exposing herself.
This is a whole world I know nothing about:
Tesla is done. I wonder who will take the wreckage. Probably GM.
Don’t be so sure. I thought Twitter wouldn’t last a full year of Musk, but it’s still somehow limping it’s way along.
I still like their technology. Hopefully they can figure out how to divest their owner
Wasn’t there an order not that long ago to tear down charging stations at Federal buildings?
Don’t worry, the dogebags are putting all those buildings on Zillow anyway.
That was just to make room for the SSuperchargers
Except, they legally can’t do that everywhere. Many states have laws against direct sales. Doubt they’ll let third-party dealerships do any of the work.
This has been worked out in a bunch of states like New Jersey because of hardcore lobbying from tesla
Fuck Tesla but direct sales make sense. Fuck dealership middlemen more. If I can save several thousand dollars buying directly from Nissan or whoever instead of padding some douche who’s only adding a high pressure sale and maybe some oil changes
Bro last time I bought a car they tried to sell me $6k worth of extended service plans…on a $12k car then we’re pushy as hell while I was saying “no I do not want extended service plans, I just want a fucking car”
My grandfather helped me purchase the car I have. At one point he was arguing with the salesperson and I got uncomfortable.
In hindsight I should have just threatened to walk out over the ESPs but meh, next time. Realistically with my current insane commute this car won’t last too long so it’ll probably only be a two or three years before I’m car shopping again
Good thing they’re all so law abiding!
Well that’s why you need a proper ass licking sack of shit like Desantis. He banned direct sales of cars but put in a loop hole for Tesla’s like the one he owns. Pretty sure he just let the dealerships write the bill and then they tidied it up. If you’ve never met a voter who likes to get fucked in the ass, meet a Desantis voter
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I’m not gonna set fire to a Tesla but my new plan is to just unplug them from charging if their sitting at a station alone. Would love if this caught on at a national level. Yes, you’re inconveniencing someone, but that’s the entire point. To get people to sell their Teslas (trade in or otherwise). If the used car market is filled with Teslas it will drive down the price and no one will want to buy new ones.
Don’t they lock during the charging process?
I saw someone charging their model x at an electricify America charging station today, right close to a Tesla supercharger. Get fucked Elon!
It’s so weird that they can have their cars here in Texas. At one time I thought we blocked dealerships owned by the car company. Maybe I’m just drunk and remembering wrong. It happens.
You are correct. You buy them online and they ship from California and you register them in Texas. Texas has showrooms. They can tell you about the car but they can’t sell you the car. You have to buy it online.
When Leon built the factory in Texas, they did not receive the ability to sell the vehicles in state. That may have changed, I haven’t been following.
Username checks out
Warning: this shit don’t make sense. Probably.
More than usual tonight. I’m going through some shit and the folks that usually help me out when I hit bottom are going through their own shit right now. So we’re all drunk as hell going through the shit together. Even if one of us stopped drinking an hour ago because he’s on the east coast.
Different places, different shit, different time zones, but we’re all Texas drunks tonight.
They both have no comment here.
You’re not alone, especially right now. Stay safe and all the best from Germany 🙏
Thank you, internet friend.
Lmfao omg I hope they build a TON in red states and NOBODY buys the “stupid woke hippie cars”. Jesus fuck I cannot express how much I wish this will happen.
It’s kinda a win/win either republicans buy Tesla’s in droves and help accelerate the decline of oil or Musk makes Tesla untouchable by anyone from any corner of the political spectrum and the entire company collapses (which might have the added benefit of forcing more electric adoption because Tesla receives a large portion of it’s revenue through selling emissions credits to auto manufacturers that refuse to build more efficient vehicles)
They exist and are being protested too.
“The verbal abuse and the flipping off is daily. I would say three times a day, it’s just constant, somebody pulls up next to me and they’re flipping me off or cussing me out or throwing things at me. In the last week I’ve had two people hit my vehicle,” said Vining.
I love this for him.
“He attached “Make America Great Again” and “Fueled by liberal tears” stickers to his car, which he says was maybe not the best idea.”
I’m just guessing this passive income fella is gonna have to buy a new car soon
What an idiot. Musk will never love you, you corn pop
Ya know, if this is how we bring along a universal exceptance of electric vehicles and improved electric grid infrastructure, it would be such a great silver lining.
Right? Wouldn’t it be hilarious if conservatives finally embraced EVs just to own the libs, only for progressives to sweep the White House and ram through Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, strong unions, and tuition free college? Like, “Thanks for upgrading the grid, now step aside while we fix everything else you broke.”
I can def dream.
Get you a gas cyberdump