Well yeah they are public? Lemmy is indexed by Google. I imagine everything on here is as well.
Well yeah they are public? Lemmy is indexed by Google. I imagine everything on here is as well.
Pigs are pretty much proof of god. There’s no way nature could create such a ludicrously delicious animal. Every fucking part of it is just gorgeous.
A woman literally died the other day because they wouldn’t give her the correct procedure during a miscarriage for fear of legal repercussions.
How would you feel if that was your mum or sister or friend?
This shit matters dude.
“I hate this debate” like it comes up all the time for them.
It’s not exactly hard. It’s really simple. It’s just shit to use.
The point of a photo is to remember something you did. Not generally the photo itself.
Resharing someone else’s photo is not even similar to going somewhere and capturing the moment.
When you’re old those photos might be all you have left.
Maybe we should fucking do something about it. Just going to keep happening.
You know what they call alternative medicine that works? Medicine.
It’s a temporary ban. People just don’t say that. They are banned whether it’s temporary or not. They aren’t using the word incorrectly.
No, we are nowhere close to learning as the human brain does. We don’t even really understand how it does at all.
The point is to encode solutions to problems that we can’t solve with standard programming techniques. Like vision, speech recognition and generation.
These problems are easy for humans and very difficult for computers. The same way maths is super easy for computers compared to humans.
By applying techniques our neurones use computer vision and speech have come on in leaps and bounds.
We are decades from getting anything close to a computer brain.
I mean mental illness can cause plenty of suffering so I don’t see why it should be excluded. As long as that person can give fully informed consent the same as other conditions.
Yeah okay, but you don’t say I’m temporarily hungry the same way you don’t need to say I’m temporarily banned.
You’re hungry until you eat. You are banned until you are unbanned.
That’s just straight not true. For instance hunger. It’s definition doesn’t say it’s temporary but that doesn’t mean it’s permanent.
I kind of lucid dream but only enough to know I’m in a dream. Been the same since I was young.
It usually happens during nightmares. I’ve learnt to throw my right shoulder back as hard as I can in the dream and I wake up doing it.
Nothing in the definition of ban says it has to be permanent.
Viewing return values in line is actually huge. Having to create temporary variables or execute in the intermediate window was a pain in the ass.
Don’t license it as free to use then.
NavigationServer2D seems more like a nav mesh style approach.
A* is for finding the best path between connected points.