Yeah, I think it’s a beautiful and expressive language. I also do like Java, though.
Now try opening js interpreter and doing the same.
Also, try 0.1+0.2
in python interpreter.
Does solarized count as blue colors?
I killed the fox many times before when it hang my system
This is really nice
But I have a habit to :w every 5 seconds, so I can’t really use it
Well, in a plain text editor you are usually not expected to write strictly correct code (e.g. semicolons), it’s just used for explaining your thought process while working on an algorithm. You can look at it as solving a problem on a white board
Fair enough. I’ve only created a visualization tool, I haven’t gathered statistics.
Why? The purpose of this project was for me to see which keys I press more often so I know which fingers get stressed, and it exactly what the project does
Thank you for clarification!
I don’t really understand how can specific programs map the Meta key as something. Isn’t it the job of the driver to map key-presses to input events (which are then passed to display server by evdev
I thought it meant the same, Meta/Super/Windows
I saw these used in documentation interchangeably
I’m using a tiling window manager and neovim as my main editor, so I have to use hot-keys quite a lot As for the caps, I have it remapped to control
Yeah, it is on my keyboard
No, the red is more used, I just have Caps remapped to control
I have it remapped to control
Mine made me want to hide all my public repos :')
Very nice! What are you using as the file manager and the music player?
The better question is why would you want to exit vim?