I don’t know if this will help or not. I came across this video a while ago. It’s a former cop describing what they deal with. I’m ACAB too, but they are still people being exploited just like us. The system is what we should be directing our anger towards. https://youtu.be/_nl5zMIwcmQ?si=mbAwDWi6vjGx3Njz
So there’s another thing called soy curls, which are similar to tvp. They come in a bunch of different shapes. Which can be handy for emulating different meat cuts. Just rehydrate them in whatever kinda broth/stock you want beef, chicken, veggie. I love to fry up an onion, and a poblano then drop in my tvp/curls. Add your favorite taco spices and enjoy some delicious tacos.
I don’t have a CS education, why would it be anything other than [[nodiscard]]?
Wait, what do you serve your soup in?
You’re not wrong. I just didn’t really expand on my meaning. Like I don’t disparage the homeless person (I’m assuming based on what was stolen) who stole a bike tire. Like I’m sure they need it more than me at that point, and I can afford it more than they can. But the bitch neighbors who stole medicine and food multiple times… Yeah I hope hell is real just for them.
I love GD! Might be time for a reinstall.
I used to keep EVERYTHING under lock and key, or under my direct supervision. I have been robbed multiple times. Turns out, not everyone is a shitty person. TBH I kinda still do it. Not to the extremes I used to though.
Yo, just keep it down. I’ll share my ants, as long as you don’t reveal my secret.
This reminds me of the time I got a mouthful of ants. Bastards were climbing all over my straw, and it was to dark to see. 0/10 would not recommended.
Its a quote from the TV show parks and rec, not a generalized comment. BTW totally recommend it. Skip the fist season though.
Think of it like a virtual machine. I installed an arch base image, and install the aur version of vscodium. You have to export the app, to have a start menu button. but it’s all relatively simple. It’s pretty well documented in their github.
My wife and I use this same setup. Honestly it’s easier to manage one, vs keeping track of two. Also I’m not sure we would get through separate ones before they went bad.
Hobbiest Dev, I run Debian as my daily. Flatpak and distrobox take care of everything for me.
I have a 650m from 2013 (almost 10 years) and there are zero working drivers aside from noveau ones.
Fuck, I would give anything sometimes to be Finnish.
Thanks for the recommendation!
Do you get to the cloud district very often…oh what am I thinking, of course you don’t.