Nerd at ♥
IPA: ɡʉʀda
@some_guy play and skip count is not in beets, you can only extract this from Jellyfin or your preferred server software. @jellyfin @selfhosted
@jellyfin @selfhosted I already have top artists, top genres, album count, track count, average bpm, playback duration, (approx) file storage, and a list of all albums how complete they are.
@ryan_harg that was difficult to read from your post for me.
Have you got all show folders in the same as the movies? Is your library folder in Jellyfin setup as show (I assume so, just to double check)
@ryan_harg “Do not abbreviate the Season folder with S01 or SE01 or alike.”
@Deebster that’s a nice idea, I will try it out