I’m noticing more and more Apps actively trying to avoid Themes and instead opting for the fixed default look. Even some of the Default Gnome Apps. And then there are initiatives like Please don’t theme our apps. Is this the slow death of GTK Themes, and if yes, why?

    • @[email protected]
      2118 days ago

      Because GNOME aren’t interested in building a desktop that works well with non-GNOME programs.

      • Lvxferre
        1718 days ago

        One day, GNOME will be seen as those arseholes who tried to fragment further an already small and fragmented environment, for petty reasons like “i has a vizhun”.

        That day was yesterday, by the way.

          • Lvxferre
            18 days ago

            Days, years, they’re all in the bottomless past. Might as well never have happened.

            (Serious now, as the above is just me being silly: 13 years, with the release of GNOME 3.0.)

          • Lvxferre
            218 days ago

            Do you have further info? That’s a thing that I’d like to dig further into - why GNOME went from “decent but heavy desktop environment” to “oh look «those guys» /me facepalms”.

            • @[email protected]
              618 days ago

              The main devs at the center of every gnome related drama consist of a few particular individuals who are paid by red hat. I believe the original developer Miguel de Icaza left the gnome project and joined microsoft, and from that point the project made it’s focus on replicating mac os and blindly follow some supposed “vision” where concepts like theming don’t exist. They even explicitly stated they don’t care about cross desktop compatibility and would rather have a separate operating system for gnome. Any further than this and they’ll call you a conspiracy theorist.

              • Lvxferre
                017 days ago

                Thank you for the info. That’s… sad, really.

                Any further than this and they’ll call you a conspiracy theorist.

                I’m probably one now - it was inevitable to connect GNOME’s obtuseness to Red Hat violating the GPL. It sounds a lot like IBM trying to make its own operating system, lacking the means to do so, and exploiting open source to do it for them.

                • @[email protected]
                  17 days ago

                  It’s not that deep lol. They just want to avoid writing extra code to make their apps and toolkit compatible with the wider linux desktop. Being the closest to an “official” desktop environment and having paid volunteers, they have a certain responsibility to make their things desktop agnostic. But they act entitled and really just want to minimize their work. Gtk 3 and below were close to perfect. Gtk 4 and libadwaita are the embodiment of everything wrong with gnome.

        • @[email protected]
          318 days ago


          What do you mean?

          Gnome Software Store, Gnome Settings, System Monitor

          All of these programs use GTK.

    • calm.like.a.bomb
      818 days ago

      Because they created libadwaita and don’t care for anything else. In fact GNOME developers haven’t cared about users for a long time…

    • @[email protected]
      518 days ago

      it’s just that gnome devs are super fast pace crazy scientists. anything that sounds wild, they gotta try it and often they have to abandon something that worked fine to do the new experiments. they had custom theme engine plugins as shared object files, JS window management, CSS themes, SVG icons, app specific buttons in title bars, JS extensions and they’re not gonna quit. if you use gnome and you rice your desktop, you better prepare to port your theme at least twice per year.