“Ukraine’s intelligence service says it thwarted a Russian plot to blackmail a local teenage girl into blowing up a police building by threatening to make public intimate pictures on her phone.”
“Ukraine’s intelligence service says it thwarted a Russian plot to blackmail a local teenage girl into blowing up a police building by threatening to make public intimate pictures on her phone.”
Hopefully AI will change this. In the future, when anyone claims to have such pictures you can just say it’s AI-generated nonsense 🤷
The world will have to go back to actually verifying claims.
We also need to teach our children about porn, damnit! Even if someone posts a thousand naked pictures of you to the Internet it will be lost in the sea of naked pictures. Very few will care or notice and no, future employers won’t go looking and even if they hear about it why TF would they even care? You can still do the job.
Anyone who does care that naked pictures exist is obviously lacking moral character and probably needs to re-think what’s important in life.
People already say the same about Photoshop and people already don’t believe them.
The person making claims is the one that needs to provide the evidence. Anyone spreading unverified rumors should be viewed like The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
In order for a rumor or something like naked pictures to be effective in its purpose of bringing you down or blackmailing you it must cause emotional distress. If you don’t take it seriously–or even better, don’t give a shit about what random strangers say–it can’t have power over you.
We don’t live in tiny, closely-tied villages anymore. A rumor about you may be on the Internet forever but it’ll be about as believable as a “hot singles in your area” ad and the likelihood of someone even finding it goes down over time as it gets drowned out by all the other bullshit that exists.
Even celebrities that are famous for doing stupid shit are finding that nobody remembers their past failings anymore. And they’ll have hundreds to thousands of real news articles about their idiocy out there, ready for anyone to read.