• TFA says India was the first nation to achieve Mars orbit on the first attempt. Standing on the shoulders of giants, and all, but still… that’s surely an exceptional feat?

              Is it better to set the bar high and fail to achieve every goal, or set the bar low and achieve less, but be able to claim 100% success?

              I dunno, man… I kinda feel like putting something in Mars orbit on your first try deserves some respect and recognition.

            • @[email protected]
              711 months ago

              The very fact that they can send working spacecraft is already an accomplishment. How many countries can do that?

              They are not yet a world power even if they claim to be. No doubt about that. But they are projected to become one in the not so near future. No doubt about that too.

                • @[email protected]
                  611 months ago

                  what made you think India prioritised it over those things?

                  the budget for ISRO is much, much lower than the budget that goes towards programs to fix poverty related issues. ISRO is 0.27% of the indian budget.

                  the remote sensing satellites have helped farmers, fishermen with actual food production, weather satellites with predicting disasters and saving lives.

                  for us its worth the investment even without factoring in the nice to haves like finding water on the moon or launching private satellites.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  No, any country that wants to pay for it can.

                  No my country can’t.

                  He’s letting children starve and develop life long issues so people like you do what you’re doing right now.

                  I am. not even Indian. I reckon what ever he’s doing affect me the same way it affect you. And I don’t even like him.

                  But I am not that bias to mix national interest with domestic interest - to paint bad picture on a target, to excavate the worse and burying the good.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  The cost at which India achieves these accomplishments are a fraction of what other Space Agencies. It’s something they should be proud of.

                  I went through the link and the entire fact that the article is using a small remote town to justify it with the entire India’s population is mind boggling to me. As someone from data science background, it just reeks as falsehood as no accurate source of data, sampling of such large pop and etc are mentioned.

        • @[email protected]
          -111 months ago

          Not too dissimilar to Elon Musk really.

          We have the same kind of rot, it’s just that corporate layer somehow makes us think it’s not the same as the corrupt bullshit in other countries. But it’s not all that different.

          • @[email protected]
            311 months ago

            Elon represents Elon, and he likes to hear himself talk. A government that represents a billion people should act a little differently than someone like him.

    • b1tstrem1st0
      11 months ago

      Someone is really getting the fucks for basically parroting the usual narrative of the deep states lol.

    • monke
      -111 months ago

      but because India’s government is one of the most corrupt in the world

      This same country also has a space organization that is well-respected all around the world. If we can launch rockets, we sure as hell can build a secure Linux based distro lol.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        Half the mobile rom teams are Indian devs

        We have some serious manpower for cheap, that’s smart, development/employment focused, and intuitive

        • sadreality
          211 months ago

          No doubt about it. Indian devs all over open source. But do you really think they will recruit the FOSS crew when contracting time comes lol

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            I want to make my own thing with their DE

            stuff based on opensuse as a base(leap for workstation, tumbleweed for consumer and enterprise for enterprise users, see how it shapes out

        • monke
          511 months ago

          My country once successfully launched 104 satellites with a single rocket. And this guy really believes we can’t build a secure linux distro because we’re nothing more than a “3rd world country poised to become the newest sweatshop of the developed world”. Wow, okay dude.

            • monke
              311 months ago

              Hey, another example of India doing something that makes no logical sense just for the PR

              Only 2 of those 104 satellites were Indian. Rest all were foreign satellites. In fact 96 of them were from the USA. But yeah, obviously all these foreign satellites satellites serve no purpose whatsoever. Obviously they were launched just so ISRO could score some PR points 😂

              There is absolutely nothing impressive about launching 104 satellites in one go. What would be truly impressive is building a linux distro, amirite?

              Man, you all are making this easy

              Insert wojak crying behind mask meme

            • @[email protected]
              311 months ago

              no logical sense except the indigenous technology advancements that make sure india doesn’t need to rely on others for crucial operations (US denying gps info to india comes to mind) along with the money that they earn from private satellite launches, yes.

              i wonder why this is so easy for you, surely it isn’t because you are conveniently ignoring all the positives of a space program.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  what reasons are real enough for you?

                  is a navigation system real enough? are weather satellites helping with disasters and saving lives real enough? is telecommunications real enough? is the millions they earn from private satellites real enough?

                  i’m sorry all of this falls under propaganda for you. for me personally, these are all real enough to warrant a space program.

                  But I can admit when I’m wrong

                  doesn’t look like it

                  • monke
                    211 months ago

                    doesn’t look like it

                    His brain thinks a country that can successfully launch rockets surely doesn’t have what it takes to build a secure linux distro. You think that brain is capable of admitting to mistakes?

        • sadreality
          -111 months ago

          Well… No idea if US landed on the moon but the videos are sus AF

          Countries spinning PR is tale as old as time

    • ZeroXHunterOP
      -311 months ago

      This has little to do with government officials. Though very less information is available, I believe the military will use its own personnel or private contractors.