Sorry (🍁) we did this without making a post, but after receiving several complaints we defederated from yesterday.

Here’s a few quick examples of poor conduct by hexbear users:

They warned their users to behave themselves, but that didn’t work:

Please read and respect the rules of the community instance in which you are posting/commenting. Please try to keep the dirtbag lib-dunking to hexbear itself. Do not follow the Chapo Rules of Posting, instead try to engage utilizing informed rhetoric with sources to dismantle western propaganda. Posting the western atrocity propaganda and pig poop balls is hilarious but will pretty quickly get you banned and if enough of us do it defederated. Realize that you are a representative of the hexbear instance when you post on other instances.

  • @astral_avocado
    2610 months ago

    No calls for violence seems like a simple rule. And not every landlord is greedy mcshitstain with 50 properties, many of them are a single family with their starter home rented out, or a couple renting out their extra room.

    • JennySmiles
      010 months ago

      It is interesting that you conflate two things, like “no violence” (ignoring the violence that landlords, yes even small ones, do) and then also having the urge to defend and discriminate landlords with good ones implicitly not beeing greedy and single families. However what you wish for in the world is not what I hear when I go to the pub on the corner, there I will hear calls for violence against quite a few groups, trans people, women, minorities, marginalized, unhoused, politicians, leftists, antifascists, activistsm BIPoCs, neurodivergent, unhoused, etc. etc. plenty of times and fast.

      I just wish people like you would try to enforce your “no violence” rules in real life as openly as you do it here. Of course I would also urge you to see violence in denying people healthcare or housing, education, food etc, too.

      • @astral_avocado
        10 months ago

        Man sounds like you should move if you hear people threatening violence regularly against all those groups at your local pub

        ignoring the violence that landlords, yes even small ones, do

        Are we actually talking about actual bodily harm or is this a new made up definition you just pulled out of your ass

        • archomrade [he/him]
          10 months ago

          I’d argue that landlords of all types are backed by the violence of the state. That a lord or lady doesn’t themselves toss you out and drag you off to jail isn’t really a meaningful distinction to the person being forcibly removed from their home.

          • @[email protected]
            10 months ago

            The funny part is that in one breathe you utter the fallacy to your own argument. Being forcibly removed from whose home again?

            The one you paid the mortgage, down-payment, continuing maintenance, property taxes? Cause if that describes your home- guess what- you are a homeowner and cant be forced out of your home. If that’s not describing the house you are living in… you are a tenant and market conditions dictate what the rent will be. Nobody is going to let to you at a loss.

            So whatever reason you have for not being a homeowner means SOMEONE ELSE has to provide a home for you to live in. Which no one is going to just give you for free.

            • archomrade [he/him]
              210 months ago

              Too bad home and house are different words, though I understand they do sound the same.

              • @[email protected]
                10 months ago

                So. You just didn’t understand the point that you don’t own it? If you bothered to read I also made the distinction.

                • archomrade [he/him]
                  010 months ago

                  Look, I can tell you’re really trying, you seem really excited. But honestly it feels pointless and a little sad arguing with you. Private and personal ownership are related but different, id maybe start there if you wanted to debate the merits of each.

                  I hope you enjoy your time on here still

                  • @[email protected]
                    110 months ago

                    Yes I’m sure it’s sad- everyone knows I’m right and the point is valid so there’s nothing for you to really debate. Instead you are going to make yourself feel better by acting smugly superior rather than actually addressing the argument itself. Again- yes very sad.

                  • JennySmiles
                    110 months ago

                    Even Quine, Russel and Asimov wouldn’t talk with them, as they are ignorant and actively anti-intellectual. So I think with more modern conceptions like private and personal properties (even the non-Marxist ones) you make the correct points, but before they are registered they are already strolling around pigeons playing chess.

            • JennySmiles
              110 months ago

              Read up on the concepts of ownership, property, belongings, usage etc. you have a French/Roman tradition for millenia which discriminates those rights. That you are uneducated is hardly archomrade’s fault.

              You also ignore the monopoly of violence which is the state’s and of course there is usage of violence even if you argue it is moral or can be legal. To think what legal is moral and what is legal is without violence would support genocides, colonialist murder of millions, their expropriation of land, goods, and children and legitimize atrocities of ultra nationalist governments.

              The argument in short is: To ask yourself what you need to know to understand archomrade’s points.

              • @[email protected]
                -110 months ago

                Omg. Pseudo-intellect is the worst intellect. The one thing you are right about- there is definitely no point arguing with you. I’d advise making something yourself and then trying to apply your principles when someone tells you what you can and can’t do with it because they believe it’s immoral.

        • JennySmiles
          10 months ago

          I see, you have never visited an institute of higher learning from the inside. Even reactionaries like Carl Schmitt would agree with my sentence, however you lack the political and sociological education to understand that. In short: Read up on violence and ask your friends who studied what violence means, especially how violence and monopoly on violence into the inner and into the outer works, ask what Weber’s definition was, too.

          pulled out of your ass

          I would like the mods to ban/defederate with this user, they break civility quite a bit.

    • JennySmiles
      -210 months ago

      In Berlin the stock exchange listed property companies own more than 20% of the flats, big corporations/large private investors own more than 20%, too, then there are smaller still very profit oriented companies, as well as smaller investors, basically 50-60% of all flats (and that amounts to more than 90% of all newly let out flats) are controlled by them, which means that to focus on small landlords is pretty irrelevant. Give me a specific city and specific ownership structure (which works well in some European countries in which plot information, company information and sometimes individual income information are online and open).

      “Many” in small landlords means too few to have market price changing effects. Even small landlords do take the worth increases of their plots which are related to things outside their control i.e. state investments, network effects etc. even the small ones take in renters so that the renters finance their mortgages. So they are not really different, though they don’t have the economic power to influence politics as much and abuse the court systems as much.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Communists don’t care for that distinction, they believe all landlords (even non-exploitative ones like you mentioned) are inherrently exploitative and therefore deserving of death. Yes, this applies to you even if you just rent out a room, but don’t worry, money won’t exist and everything will be free!

      • Avid Amoeba
        2210 months ago

        This is about as garbage take as the ones being discussed.

        • @[email protected]
          -410 months ago

          Well, that’s what they always tell me they believe, sorry your representatives are poor ones I suppose.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            Yeah, you sound like you were really receptive to what they were trying to say, I’m sure you didn’t colour it at all…

            • @[email protected]
              -310 months ago

              Oh well of course they give the option of just doing what they say and completely restructuring society to stay alive in most cases, but imo that doesn’t count, I think they’re really just using that as an excuse.

              • @[email protected]
                10 months ago

                I hope this is doing something for your emotional needs but it’s got nothing to do with anyone else. Have fun, chief.

                • @[email protected]
                  010 months ago

                  I just can’t align myself with ideologies like that, it is what it is. Don’t worry, I usually have fun.

                  • @[email protected]
                    10 months ago

                    I’m not commenting on your misalignment with the ideology, but rather your intellectual dishonesty. You can’t even think about “ideologies like that” without twisting your own mind up and telling yourself a bunch of lies to make yourself feel better.

                    I’m not saying communism is good or bad. I’m saying: you don’t know because you are unable to examine it honestly and rationally.

      • ram
        210 months ago

        All landlords for profit are exploitative. All profit is exploitative. You’re literally on the piracy instance, why would you wanna suck off capitalists? lmao

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          “Capitalists” aren’t some all powerful boogeyman stealing your essence in the night, especially when you broaden the category from “actually evil corporations” to pensioners or families renting out their starter home, or some guy renting out a room. I don’t feel it’s right to slaughter the nice old woman who rented us the punk house back in the day simply for trying to afford her meds in retirement, no. Sorry, but we’re just not gonna get me to agree that killing innocent people is “good.”

          • ram
            -210 months ago

            No, they’re all powerful boogeymen in control of our entire society who have us sell our bodies just to live. They do all this in daylight where it can be seen, and are such clever con artists are to make fools think it’s good and normal to do so.

            we’re just not gonna get me to agree that killing innocent people is “good.”

            I never claimed that, nor do I wish to kill the guilty, but if wishing execution (a penalty under law) of an oppressive class is not “killing innocent people”.

            But go off

            • Calavera
              310 months ago

              entire society who have us sell our bodies just to live.

              And when this didn’t happen? Because on USSR you could go to jail if you didn’t work.

              On every society, if you want to enjoy things made by it and not do your part, you are just a parasite, just like the capitalists you are against. So maybe you are a capitalist wanna be

              • ram
                -110 months ago

                Who said anything about the USSR being good?

                Funny that you go to the old “you’re just jealous and that’s why you hate capitalism so much” pov though. I have no interest in your bad faith arguments, so I’m not gonna engage further than this. Google what arguments people use against that or something if that’ll make you feel better.

                • Calavera
                  210 months ago

                  I’m not talking about jealousy, I’m talking about people who just want to parasite other peoples work while they(you) think work is something made only by bourgeoisie

            • @[email protected]
              -410 months ago

              Yes yes my landlady was part of some secret cabal that runs the world. I’ve heard this one before, next you’re gonna tell me it’s because she’s in league with the reptile jews or some nonsense, it’s all the same.

            • @[email protected]
              010 months ago

              You’re literally on the piracy instance, why would you wanna suck off capitalists?

              Eh, maybe I misunderstood what you were saying here

              • ram
                410 months ago

                I think you did. Person I was responding to had dbzer0 as their home instance, which was made with the express purpose of giving piracy on lemmy a (somewhat) dedicated home.

                • @[email protected]
                  210 months ago

                  Gotcha, I had thought you meant the instance this thread is in. Your comment makes more sense now.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        Correction, terminally-online twitter communists don’t care for the distinction. People who actually go outside and put in the work aren’t making enemies out of individuals renting out a room, they’re too busy going after giant multi-national corporations buying out all the houses so that nobody else can get them, and then jacking up the rents once there’s no alternatives.

        Communism is about systems, not individuals. Anyone saying otherwise is either disinformed or is a radical liberal playing make-believe

      • @Zyansheep
        110 months ago

        They don’t deserve execution, they deserve a Georgist-style Land Value Tax!

      • JennySmiles
        -210 months ago

        I am far more right than socialists and communists and yet, what you say is something that you wouldn’t get marks for in the exams you have to take for our courses.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          “Practice V Theory” I suppose. Looks good on paper when written by one smart german dude 175yr ago, works poorly when implimented by anyone else who’s tried it (oh right “it’s never been tried”).

          Seriously, poke around these two communities and next time you see calls for murder ask what happens to the landlords that aren’t corporations after the revolution, just see if they don’t try to convince you why all landlords are actually deserving of death. Fantasy V Reality.

          Edit: in fact, you don’t have to go far, this comment is also a reply to the one you replied to, in which he asserts (albeit thinly veiled) that they don’t want to kill “innocent people” just “landlords, all landlords, as none of them are innocent by default cause landlord.” See?

          • JennySmiles
            110 months ago

            Reminds me of this:

            However it is much easier to sell/convert your assets than it is to give up a political leaning. In my country the death penalty is not allowed, however in the US it is. As long as that is the case any argument that death can’t be the answer to crimes (and this is what they demand) can’t really be done.

            but if wishing execution (a penalty under law)

            This is legalism.

            Besides during Covid we did see how eager Corporations and Governments were with letting people die, so 5 years ago I would’ve taken your argument with more seriousness.

            All in all your arguments fall flat with what they tell. Do I think that during revolutions people might die? Yes. I do believe that the use of violence by states is something they have to do to remain states. They use violence even for internal matters that are about shares of profit of society (political economy) and kill people.

            Does this instance’s want for civility clash with their instance’s post? Yes. Do their posters do act uncivil on this instance? Not all, but some, which could be banned. The admins take a quicker approach that targets innocent posters, that use of force (control over the instance) is due to the admins quasi-monopoly on admin powers, too. So ultimately it was a decision of the admins.

            • @[email protected]
              010 months ago

              In my country the death penalty is not allowed, however in the US it is.

              In certain circumstances.* Here is the wiki article on US Capital Punishment. Note: “It is usually applied for only the most serious crimes, like aggravated murder.” So you and that other joker are telling me that “charging rent” is just like beating multiple women’s heads in with a tire iron and fucking the corpses (what got Ted Bundy put to death)? Even if you see entering a mutually agreed upon contract in which a homeowner charges rent to maintain the dwelling you pay rent for, as inherently exploitative, which again is debatable, one does not get put to death for exploitation, the get at maximum a prison sentence. You really don’t have to look far to find these clowns, you are one.

              This is legalism.

              Ah yes, so Law=Right? Guess we need to start murdering anyone who breaks the smallest law huh? Sounds like a good plan to me. So, if say Georgia makes it legal to execute trans people is that ok? No? But “It’s legalism,” like you said! OH and that means slavery and the holocaust which were legal were also cool?

              OOOORRRR murdering people is wrong even with the backing of the government. Personally I’m on that side, but good to know you disagree I suppose.

              Besides during Covid we did see how eager Corporations and Governments were with letting people die, so 5 years ago I would’ve taken your argument with more seriousness

              Whether you want to believe it or not, nonaction is not the same as putting the bullet in someone’s brain pan yourself. If you see them as the same you should feel real bad about all those starving kids in third world countries you’re personally killing right now.

              Does this instance’s want for civility clash with their instance’s post? Yes. Do their posters do act uncivil on this instance? Not all, but some, which could be banned.

              This isn’t about your instance, this is about “this is what these people actually believe.” You’re following conmen.

              • JennySmiles
                110 months ago

                Enough people in the US were killed for crimes way smaller what you describe, even people that we know were innocent and there are still people facing the death penalty that are innocent.

                However unhoused people face a much higher risk to death, systematic coercion for rent and what is combined with it is coercing with the threat of not having a safe place during catastrophes, yes that is more than a small crime (if you take their position). It would be more akin to running organized crime.

                My solution for that isn’t what they suggest, but don’t take the worst possible interpretation about them, then you will show more what you think about them.

                Ah yes, so Law=Right

                You need to sit down on a bench and listen to some introductory philosophy and politics lectures.

                If you agree that killing (which isn’t murder, the latter being a legal distinction) people is wrong what did you do to stop the people dying from Covid, dying from the climate catastrophe, etc.?

                1. Every year, roughly 13,000 homeless people die in the US. Approximately 2.4% of homeless persons die every year — about 13,000 out of half a million. When you think about it, homelessness is a significant health risk for individuals.